Secrets Untold

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[Third Person P.O.V]

Klaus was angered. He sped up to them both and pulled Hayley away before attacking Kai. Hayley tripped down the stairs and fell. She looked up and saw Klaus choking Kai against the wall. She stood and went to go help when Elijah sped in front of her.

"Hayley stop and think for a moment. We aren't your enemy. You sure about that?" Hayley sped behind him, kicked his knees and made him fall to all fours.

Before he could fall, Hayley snapped his neck. Then, she turned to see Kai almost about to pass out.

Hayley ran over and threw Klaus off of him. "How about you pick on someone your own size? Hayley I don't want to fight you. The feelings mutual." Hayley said before rushing at him. She rammed her foot into his side making him turn, then she did a roundhouse kick to his face, getting him to the floor.

Then, when he was on all fours, she kicked him into the stands. "Kai! Let's-,"

Klaus sped over to Hayley and snapped her neck. "You're not escaping from me again." He said and was ready to grab her when Kai popped a blood vessel.

"Sorry. You can't have her back just yet." Kai popped 6 more before snapping his neck and grabbing Hayley. He pulled her into his arms and ran off.

[45 minutes later]

Klaus was shaken awake by his brother. Elijah pulled him up and slammed him against the wall nearby. "Is it true?! What?" Elijah glared at him, making his blood chill.

"Did you kiss Hayley?" Klaus froze. Elijah growled at his lack of response before throwing him into the stands.

"How dare you!?" Klaus jumped to a stand. "Elijah what else was I supposed to do!? I couldn't save you if I couldn't admit my feelings. So you kiss her!?"

He reared back and punched him. "You know she was with me, and yet you still kiss her? Elijah she and I would have been found anyway. I would rather come save you, than he come hunt us down and kill us both!"

"That doesn't make it better, Niklaus." He hauled him up, then slammed him into the wall, choking him.

"Tell me why you kissed her. What validation did she give that allowed you to set your lips upon hers?

S-she told me the truth. What is it?

She isn't in love."

Klaus said and choked when Elijah stuck his hand into his chest, gripping his heart.


Klaus gasped breathlessly, and Elijah loosened his grip. "She told me that she wasn't in love with you any longer. She it as if she's always known. That was her truth. That was what we needed to get out of the room.

And I had to admit my true feelings so we could leave. I'm sorry Elijah." He squeezed his heart once more before letting him go.

Klaus held his chest, breathing hard, and looking at his brother.

"I let the best of my emotions get to me, brother. I swear, it'll never happen again." And Klaus was serious. Since Hayley had forgotten what had happened, she doesn't know.

Elijah was angry. To think that Hayley wasn't in love with him. It was like a relief of some kind actually. He suspected it, once.

He was so head over heels for her, that he didn't notice their relationship that was straining.


"Say another word and I will rip your tongue from your mouth." Elijah pointed towards his brother without looking at him. When he did look up, he gave him a warning glance.

And with that, Elijah strode out the church in a swift silence.


I slammed Kai against the wall. "You took my will and mind? Really!? What was I supposed to tell them?

'Hey this isn't Hayley, it's just my dead girlfriend I resurrected and placed in her body!' He imitated smiling a fake smile. I slammed him against the wall again.

"Kai you and I are taking revenge together. I want Klaus gone just as much as you do. And when we take him down, the rest of the Original family will fall. Once this body is fully under control, I will do what I please with it.

Including turning into my true form.

A siphon heretic and I will turn you.

Then, we'll be more powerful than ever. And we will kill Klaus Mikealson once and for all." I smiled and he trailed his finger over my lip.

"You're so sexy when you boss people around." I smiled and trailed a finger down his cheek before pulling away.

"Not yet. I want this body under my full control before we do any of that. Understood?

Yes ma'am. Good, because we only need one more thing to make this body mine. And what is that?

A sliver of the soul she loves the most."

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