chapter ten

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i shook my head as i fluttered my eyes open, confused to why i'd woken up the sun was breaking through the blinds, barely since it was still pretty early in the morning. the sound of silence and the buzzing of the bus whirled in my head as i squinted my eyes shut, trying to fall asleep to the bus's movement. until i felt something. the same thing that'd probably waken me up in the first place. i didn't have my glasses on, and the bus was still pretty dark, making it harder for me to see anything. i assumed it was the paper i'd probably found in the corner of daniel's box, and i wondered if i should've read it.
but jack that's an invasion of privacy.
but what's so important that what he's writing he can't even share with me or the band?
my thoughts were interrupted, as i felt something again. an arm drape down my waist, holding it gently. at first i was confused. did zach get scared again? but at the same time, i was too tired to turn around and look. until it'd hit me.
i was in daniel's bunk.
and he was in it too.
i turned my head, just a little bit to face him. i couldn't see him, which made me a little sad, wishing that it was just a little brighter outside. his arm's position moved again, softly since i'd turn to face in his direction. i looked up at the blinds, which were indeed still closed, but i was waiting till the sun came back to catch just even a glimpse of him. suddenly, the bus stopped, probably because of a traffic light, as the light peered down onto daniel's face. he was asleep peacefully, his hair a little messed up, blocking the top of his head, and revealing parts of his hair which were purple due to the purple shampoo he used to keep his hair colour a platinum colour, even though he was slowly going back to his natural hair colour. his eyelashes were long and he had small circles under his eyes, probably from the lack of sleep that we all got which saddened me. i never wanted to see him upset, nor tired about the one thing he loved to do. i laid my head on his shoulder carefully, looking at him sleep peacefully, and quietly. it made me smile, just seeing be at peace, and not be bothered by overworking himself, whether it was for the shows, in the studio, or staying up late writing in his journal. he always told me that it was the best for him to write and work at night, because it helped him focus more. but the thing was even though he liked working more in the night time, he was still working himself in the morning too. he adjusted his head, moving his arm from my side, sliding it to the back of his head, sitting up slowly. i moved away from his side, as he brought his hands up to his face, burying his face into them while rubbing his eyes.
"jack?" he said, as i looked up at him.
it was still pretty dark so i didn't know if he'd noticed that i heard him, nor knew if i was awake, so i didn't respond, not knowing what to say. i felt his hand cup the side of my cheek, which instantly made me freeze. my cheeks stung due to it, as his thumb rubbed my cheek softly, making me blush harder and harder. that was the only time i was grateful that the lights were off.
"jack?" he repeated.
i gulped as i touched his hand, which made him move it away, as i instantly regretted touching his hand in the first place.
"are you awake?" he replied, his voice still cracky and a little raspy since i'd just now woken him up.
"well obviously," i laughed a little, which made him laugh back.
the bus started again, the start startling the both of us which made me stumble a little onto daniel's body. it was fine until i figured out he couldn't even see me since the lights were still off, which made him knock down on his pillow, me on top of him. i looked up at him, not knowing if he was looking at me, but i could tell he knew what'd just happened, so i quickly stumbled onto his side, embarrassed.
"i-i'm sorry," i stuttered out.
i heard his faint giggle as someone pulled the blinds open, as we both reacted in the same way, putting a hand in front of our eyes.
"good morning daniel have you seen-" zach started.
"oh there you are," he smiled, as it slowly dropped looking at daniel and then back at me.
"do you need something?" daniel replied annoyed, as he stepped out to the halls of the bus, leaving zach and i both confused, but on different things.
"is he mad at me?"
i shrugged, stepping outside to see eben and jonah talking on the table, and zach surprisingly fully dressed, his hair even combed through, when it finally hit me that there was another interview today. i groaned as i stepped into the bathroom, to daniel kneeled over the sink. he was wearing a white tank top when i realized my chest was still bare, but it didn't bother me much since half of us walked around the bus naked anyway. i picked up my toothbrush from his side.
"are you mad at me?" i asked nervously.
he looked up in confusion, spitting out his toothpaste.
"why would you think that?"
"i don't know you looked upset," i murmured.
he smiled at me, wetting his toothbrush and putting it back in the drawer.
"i'm not mad at you jack. you know i can never be mad at you."
i smiled looking down as he motioned for me to come to the sink, as he moved out of the way for me as i brushed my teeth.
"well are you mad at zach?"
"i'm not mad at anyone jack." he said thickly, which made me look back to him, knowing that if it wasn't anyone he wasn't made at anyone, he was probably mad at himself.
"c'mon what's bothering you?"
he touched the back of his neck, ruffling his hair a little up and checking in the mirror.
"nothing is i just couldn't sleep well last night."
my heart dropped at him saying that. was it because of me? was i being annoying? he looked back in my direction as i quickly looked away, mad at myself for taking the opportunity when i knew i shouldn't have.
"no wait jack it's not you," he quickly replied, as i spit my toothpaste out.
"are you sure?"
"yes why would it be you?"
"i don't know, i'm sorry for asking," i mumbled, splashing a little water on my face to wake me up, and drying my face.
i was about to walk out as daniel blocked the door. i looked at him annoyed, as he stepped further at me, making me step back. and back. and back. till my back was against the wall.
"jack," he breathed out.
there was a second of silence as i looked at him blankly, not knowing what to say.
his left hand unintentionally placed on the wall next to my head, as i looked back into his beautiful blue eyes.
"don't say sorry for things you shouldn't be sorry for," he said sternly, as i nodded in his direction. his hand moved away as someone knocked on the door, making daniel walk away from me, opening it to eben.
"guys this isn't a hangout spot," he said yawningly, as i walked behind him quickly, picking up a random shirt and putting it over my head. i wasn't in the mood to talk to someone for an hour. the only person i felt safe doing that with was with jonah.
"good morning," jonah replied at the table, picking up a cup of coffee and handing it to me. i hugged his side as he kissed the side of my head. my head was hurting like crazy, but i didn't mention it to the rest of the guys because i knew how much interviews meant to them. daniel especially loved them.
"are you kidding me i was going to wear that today!" corbyn called in my direction, pointing at the random shirt i'd picked up. it was a white shirt, white a minimalistic design on it as i shrugged at him, while he flipped me off. i rolled my eyes in annoyance.
"corbyn its just a shirt."
"go steal daniel's like you always do this was new!"
i looked up at what he said, as daniel looked at me. then stared at corbyn pick something up from my suitcase.
"c'mon really?"
"it's only fair," he exclaimed, which i smiled at.
i heard daniel scoff, as corbyn and i both looked at him.
"what, are you jealous?" corbyn asked jokingly.
"no i'm not jealous," daniel replied looked down.
he pushed past me as i looked at him in confusion. if he wasn't made at me before he was definitely mad at me now. but why was he jealous? what for?
"jack c'mon," jon's voice called as i snapped out of my own thoughts.
"yeah, yeah sorry i'm coming."

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