chapter sixteen

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i shifted around as the covers fell off my shoulders and i tried desperately to put them back over them. but of course my arms failed at doing that. the sun broke through the windows of corbyn's window as i picked my hand out of the blanket to shield it from my eyes. i didn't even remember the last thing that happened until i sat up slowly, shielding the top of my body since it was bare with the blue blanket. i looked over to my side and smiled, as i saw daniel, resting peacefully. i never understood how people could look so pretty and delicate while they slept. whereas myself on the other hand, drool ran out of my mouth. i laughed and icked at the thought of daniel watching me sleep as i grabbed my glasses from the nightstand, adjusting them onto my face.
"stop moving jack," daniel mumbled, shifting to look over to my side, his eyes still closed.
his hair was everywhere, covering his eyes and nose. it was getting quite long, which i actually liked a lot about daniel. i loved when he didn't cut his hair for awhile and it'd grow really long. i licked my lips as i laid down slightly, moving his soft fringe out of his face. i kissed his temple as daniel's eyes opened slowly, his blue eyes glistening in the sunshine. i smiled, blushing softly as i pushed myself away from him.
"what?" he whispered, holding my arm softly to pull me back.
"nothing, i just thought..." my voice trailed off at the sound of a vacuum starting as daniel and i stared at the door, as eben opened the door, slamming it against the wall which led me to flinch. the cold air hit against my shoulders, causing goosebumps to form as daniel rubbed my shoulders with the soft warm heat coming from his hands. eben crunched on a piece of bread as he looked over to us, then the vacuum which was still on.
"are you guys asleep?!" he screamed over the vacuum which caused daniel to laugh
"yes we are eben! obviously!" he replied back, which made eben stick his middle finger up to us.
"well good morning lovers, get your asses up it's like 12..." his voice screeched, but it was hard to get his words out. daniel reached out to grab his hoodie.
"here, i know you're cold so you can wear it," he mumbled softly as he got up and disappeared into the bathroom.
i looked down at the red tour hoodie in my hand and smiled softly, bringing it to my nose and inhaling its scent. it smelt like him. that one floral cologne he always wore. it smelt like that.
"jack you look like shit."
"shut up zach," i replied, sitting down on the stool next to him as he slapped the back of my head. it was quite natural to me as jonah frowned at the action, but i just rolled my eyes as corbyn slid a bagel my way.
"do y'all not have food besides bagels?" i exclaimed which caused zach to laugh.
"bold of you to assume i can cook," corbyn replied sipping out of a cup of coffee.
i bit into the bagel anyway, because even though we had them everyday, they always tasted better and better everyday.
it was actually funny because there was a funny reason to why the guys and i were addicted to them.
"do you guys remember the bagel story?" i  said through a mouthful.
jonah choked on his coffee as parts of the liquid came out, as he laughed uncontrollably.
"yes who could forget?" zach said.
"did i miss anything?" daniel replied coming down the stairs, buttoning his shirt up slowly.
"nothing i just brought up the bagel story," i replied.
"oh about your drunk ass?" daniel laughed as he placed a kiss on my forehead unintentionally.
i froze for a second before my shoulder relaxed and my cheeks blushed. zach on the other hand, followed daniel with his eyes, as he looked back at met. then at him.
"what?" i asked, biting into my bagel once more.
zach opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out except a stutter.
"am i just stupid or?" he finally said as daniel put something in the microwave as corbyn put something in the dishwasher.
"we know you're stupid but what about?" he asked cluelessly.
daniel looked at me, laughing softly as jonah gaped his mouth at corbyn.
"i literally told you."
"about what?"
"them!" jonah pointed at daniel and i.
corbyn followed him as he looked puzzled.
"are you guys like banging-"
"no corbyn!" he groaned as i spit out my water, coughing as zach patted my back.
"corbyn are you stupid they're dating," zach replied, which shocked corbyn as he looked confused.
"you and daniel?!" he exclaimed, which caused daniel to blush deeply.
"um...yeah," i replied shyly.
"how did you guys not know?" jonah replied smirking in my direction.
"you knew?!" daniel replied confused, which made me giggle because his face was beat red.
"yes it was obvious zach how didn't you know you're so dumb."
"i left school at a early age for you bitches shut up."
"you actually did that's actually really funny," i laughed once again as eben walked up behind me, grabbing the last of my bagel from my hand.
"what's really funny?" he asked as daniel looked flustered in his direction.
"daniel and i are dating," i replied confidently, as daniel smiled a little before looking away nervously.
"oh yeah, i know," he said quickly which caused jonah to lose it and laugh harder than before.
"so you're telling me that zach and i are just stupid?"
daniel walked over to the back of my chair, as he rested his chin on top of my head. i closed my eyes as i took in his scent again. he smelled like home honestly. because he was truly my home. and i wouldn't change anything about it.
"so i can call you my boyfriend then technically right?" he whispered softly.
"mm technically i guess," i laughed as he kissed my cheek once again.
"get a room please," zach said imitating a gag.
"oh shut up zach."

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