Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Chaeyoung picked up her cell phone and debated whether or not to call Mina . She glanced at the clock; the girl would probably be awake by now, right?

Chaeyoung listened to the line ring for twenty seconds. Okay, maybe Mina  wouldn't be up at one in the afternoon, considering how drunk the girl seemed last night—or was it considered this morning? Chaeyoung was about to hang up when there was a small click and a groggy "Hello?"

A small smile flickered across Chaeyoung's  face. "Morning, sunshine. How's your head?"

She chuckled when Mina  grumbled, "Shhh, don't talk so loudly. Little men are using my eardrums as percussion instruments."

"Really." Chaeyoung fought to keep the grin off her face. "They're probably friends of the alcohol you drank last night."

Chaeyoung heard Mina hesitate. "Thank you for that. It was pretty irresponsible of me to get so drunk that I lost my car, wasn't it?"

"Just a tad bit."

"Did I do anything to embarrass myself?"

"Not more than the average intoxicated teenager."

A sigh of relief was heard. "Good—"

"Although, you did mention that you purposely lied about forgetting where you parked because you wanted to see me."

Chaeyoung heard Mina groan in embarrassment. "I actually told you? God, I'll never drinking again."

"I don't know, I think I might actually prefer Drunk Mina ."

"As much as I like Chaeyoung, I will not turn into an alcoholic just for her."

"That's too bad. Well, at least now I won't have to turn you in for underage drinking."

"They'd never take me alive."

Chaeyoung laughed. "Quite the little rebel, aren't you? I think the student body would be horrified to discover that their beloved student council president is actually a delinquent."

"I blame Chaeyoung. She's a bad influence, with her motorcycle and her leather jacket and her cute scowl."

"What? How can a scowl be cute?"

"Chaeyoung's scowling would be far more intimidating if she didn't have dimples. And stop frowning, you'll get wrinkles."

Chaeyoung stopped herself mid-frown and settled for raising an eyebrow. "Okay, did you install cameras in my apartment or something?"

She couldn't help smiling at hearing Mina's  tinkling laughter. "Eh? is Chaeyoung accusing me of voyeurism? Or maybe she's hoping I installed cameras?"

"None of the above," Chaeyoung shot back.

"Chaeyoung  always scowls when she's embarrassed or flustered. I think it's adorable."

"I don't do adorable. I'm a freaking badass," Chaeyoung grumbled. She decided to change topic. "How are your friends?"

"Momo is convinced she has brain damage and Dahyun is incapable of speaking, but other than that they're just peachy. I convinced them that your presence last night was a drunken hallucination and that we actually took a cab to my house. And you may be a badass, but you're still cute. That's why I like you so much."

Chaeyoung felt stupid for smiling so hard, but no one was around so who gave a damn? Show off your pearly whites, kid.

Chaeyoung cleared her throat. "Whatever. I'm not even going to argue with you."

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