Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Six years later:

"Tell the truth, Dr. Son…how much longer does she have?" The patient's father leaned forward in his chair, deep furrows in his brow.

"To be honest, it doesn't look good." Chaeyoung frowned in sympathy as she looked at the X-ray. "I would say about four weeks, and that's if she's lucky. I'm sorry."

He sighed. "Well, she's had a good life…but when it's time, it's time."

"Stop talking about me like I'm dying, you nerds." The patient herself seemed unconcerned, too busy texting on her phone with a single hand as her other arm was encased in a sling. "It's a broken arm, not a death sentence."

"In the old days, we would have left you behind to fend for yourself. You would be too much of a burden on our resources," the father decided.

The patient looked up and rolled her eyes, looking exactly like her sister when she did so. "Dad, you're literally the CEO of your own company. I don't think resources are an issue."

"The economy is so volatile. I don't know if Andrews Industries will make it this year," Alexander fretted.

"Oh, no, what a shame," Chaeyoung said monotonously.

He looked between his older and younger daughter. "Can't I convince one of you to take over? I'm not getting any younger, you know."

Chaeyoung took off her gloves and slingshotted them into the trash. "I already have a job. Get this one to do it," she said, jerking her chin toward her younger sister.

Amy stuck out her tongue and make a motion to cross her arms before realizing her predicament. "No way. I'm going to be a doctor like Chaeyoung."

Chaeyoung looked smugly at her dad, smirking at his obvious distress. "You're still a long way from retirement, old man. Plenty of time to find yourself another lovechild."

Ignoring his sputtered protests of I'm young! and ANOTHER lovechild? Do you think I'm some kind of hussy, Chaeyoung  dusted off her hands and moved aside the privacy curtain separating Amy's hospital bed from all the others in the emergency room. "Alright, Amy's all set to go. Call the clinic to make a follow-up appointment in one week so we can check on how her arm's healing. Let me know if any issues come up."

"Okay, will do! Bye, Chaeyoung!" Amy gave her a one-armed hug before bouncing away, her grumbling father right behind her as he waved goodbye to his eldest child.

Chaeyoung watched her family go with a shake of her head. Never in a million years did she think she would get to know her father, much less get along with him. But hey, life was short, and she'd already learned the hard way that there was no point in spending time on pointless grudges.

"Dr. Son, your next patient is ready for you." One of the nurses held out the patient's chart, looking around before dropping his voice to a whisper. "She's a difficult one. Hasn't stopped complaining for the past hour and threatened to leave if she doesn't get seen soon. Her family is in the room with her and they've been trying to keep her calm, but I'm not sure how successful they've been."

Chaeyoung sighed and took the chart. "Thank you. I'll be right there."

She started walking toward the patient's bed while scanning the chart in her hands. 80 year old female, no significant past medical history, presenting to the ER with a sprained ankle—

Chaeyoung glanced at the patient's name and nearly tripped over her own feet, skidding to a stop so fast she could practically smell burning rubber from the soles of her shoes.

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