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After I pulled Carrie to shore, Phillip ran over to pick her up and 5 teachers followed them to the hospital wing. I watched them go, and hoped she would be ok. Then, I noticed Merida, Punzie, Hiccup, Rose and Peter Pan coming up to me.

“That was brilliant!" Peter said, putting his arm around Rose.

“Jack, that was amazing!" Punzie squealed.

“You got extra points for rescuing Carrie." Merida said. “But, why did she need rescuing?"

I sighed. I was about to tell them, but, just then, a gust of wind blew and I grimaced. Merida frowned.

“How about we all go to my common room, let Jack dry off, and he can tell us exactly what happened down there." She suggested. We all nodded agreement, especially me, because I know for a fact that the Gryffindor common room has a number of cushy chairs and a huge fireplace.


“And then, when I grabbed my glass, I heard her scream. So I turned and there were like…these weird black vine thingys around her legs. " I explained. I was still clutching my glass when I realized Carrie never got her's. I tried not to mention it. The others were already talking about it, but Merida made her 'I'm thinking don't bother me' face. I sat there and listened for a bit to their theories.

Punzie thought the mermaid were playing a joke, Hiccup was sure it was the giant squid, Peter suggested I imagined it, while Rose figured she got stuck in some seaweed. While they stated this, Merida's face lit up.


They kept talking.


Still talking.


They stopped talking and turned to her. She smiled and took a deep breath.

“It had to be by Pitch. It was black vines right? That's the colour of his nightmare sand. Plus, he probably meant to get Jack, but Carrie got in the way." She looked around, satisfied by our inability to find anything wrong with that theory.

“That actually makes sense." I said. The others nodded in agreement. We struggled to say more, when Luna came up to me.

“Frost, the third task is in a week." She said, chewing her gum.

“W-what?!" I sputtered indignantly. “We literally just had our second task!"

Luna popped a bubble. “Yeah, but since what happened to Carrie, your headmaster figures we better get it over with."

“Oh." Then another thought came to mind. “What about Beauxbatons? Will Carrie be okay in time?"

She brushed her pink bangs out of her face. “That's the other thing." She steps over to Rose.

“Cinderella wanted you to be the new champion." Luna said, and walked away.

Rose was so excited, she jumped in the air and caused half of the Gryffindor common room to stare at us. Peter, on the other hand, looked concerned.

“Isn't the third task really dangerous?" He said, biting his lip. Rose playfully smacked his arm. “I'll be fine." She said, giving him a kiss on the nose, which made him turn red.

“Anyways, Jack, I'm telling North. Wanna come?" Merida said, standing up. I looked over at my other friends; Rose and Peter were laughing with each other and Punzie and Hiccup were rubbing their noses together and giggling. I would rather be alone with Merida for a bit than see that.


“Sir, what happened to Carrie must've been Pitch Black. The vines were black, like his nightmare sand. Besides, Carrie must've gotten in the way of Jack." Merida reasoned.

North nodded thoughtfully. “That makes a lot of sense, we're going to have more security." He went back to writing.

“Thank you, Miss DunBroch." North said, and Merida led me back to my dorm.


When we got to my dormitory, nobody else was there. Merida looked around in disgust.

“This is where you sleep?" She said, tossing at dirty pillow off my bed and laid down.

“Yup." I said, laying next to her. She smirked and gave me a little kiss. Then she got up and left me, smiling on my bed.

Hi guys!
I am so so so so so so so so so sorry about the short chapters!!
I hope you like this one!
and remember:
“Take what you can and give nothing back" -Jack Sparrow
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