Chapter 1 - Lost in Paradise

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A/N: Honestly if you can get through the weirdness that is the opening couple of chapters it does become more normal. Well, as normal as it can be. 

Running. That was all her mind was focused on. Something was chasing her. She wasn't sure what it was or how it had found her, all she knew was that it was after her and the only way to survive was to run.

It was probably the adrenaline, although no one has ever been able to ever work out what happened, but as she ran the woods around her began to change. The trees started to grow closer together. The branches became more tangled in one another shielding the moon light from getting through.

The thing was, although there was less space for the moon light to get through the woods didn't become any darker. It seemed as though the moon grew brighter. It was as though the waning crescent moon had grown into a full moon.

There was a howl. Amaryllis stopped. It was behind her. There was nothing behind her. Nothing was following her. She looked around confused. She had no idea where she was. This wasn't the woods out the back of her house. She knew those woods like the back of her hand. The trees didn't look like this and they certainly didn't grow this close together.

Amaryllis stood listening for the sound of anything moving around her. She held her breath wanting to be as silent as possible. Then heard voices. They were feint but there.

Quickly and quietly she made her way in the direction of the voices. She had to find these people. She had to find out where she was.

As she reached the edge of the woods she looked out and saw three boys run out from a hole in the bottom of a tree. The moment the boys were out from under it the tree began to move. Amaryllis gasped. What the hell was going on?

She ran out from the woods after the boys. When she finally caught up to them she placed her hand on the shoulder of the one at the back causing him to yelp and turn around. The yelp he'd let out caused the other two to turn around with him.

"Who the bloody hell are you?" The one in the middle asked. Being in silhouette Amaryllis could only make out the mess of spiky hair on his head.

The British accent in which he spoke was so different from anything she'd ever heard in her town before she just stood there with her mouth open.

"He asked you a question." The tallest of the three told her. His long shaggy curls were so different to that of his friend. "Who are you?"

"That's none of your concern." Amaryllis responded looking behind them to see where the light causing the boys to be silhouette was coming from. As he eyes trailed to the building behind them she gasped bringing her hand up to cover her mouth. They were standing in front of a giant castle. "Where in all hell am I?"

The three boys all looked at one another. Who was this girl? Where had she come from? And why did she not know where they were?

"Come on." The first one spoke again. "Come back to our dorm and you can tell us what's going on."

"Are you trying to proposition me?" Amaryllis asked crossing her arms over her chest. "Because there's three of you and one of me. And I don't know you and am not in any way okay with that."

"She's a feisty one." The second boy said to his friend.

The two boys started laughing and elbowing one another.

"No, of course not." The first boy said to her.

"Prongs only has eyes for Evans." The third boy said.

Amaryllis knew a confused look was spreading across her face. She had no idea what these boys were talking about.

"Fine." She said to them after a moment. "You'll need to show me where we're going."

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