Chapter 17

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"So what is this, a video game?", Nagisa asked. He held up a gray console, trying to figure out how to use it.

"Yes, but it's different from normal games. You can travel to another world called Greed Island!", Gon exclaimed.

"Ohh, is that right", Karma said, examining a ring. "And you're telling us, in order to play we have to put this on?", he said while referring to the ring. "Yes, you also have to know how to use Nen, so the past few weeks of difficult training was worth it", Killua responded. The rest of them groaned, just thinking about it.

After Gon made the suggestion of going to Greed Island, the duo suddenly made them train like crazy. For three weeks they mediated, fought and exercised. It was almost like an extension of P.E with Kanada Sensei.

"Okay, let's go!", Koro Sensei said impatiently. He had waited enough and was very curious to experience this "video game world". He put the ring on a tentacle, put in a save file and disappeared.

Kaede made a small yelp in surprise, while Karma's eyes and smile grew wide. "My turn", he said, he did the same thing Koro Sensei did and disappeared. "Oh, I forget to tell them, but wait at the string point. We all start in the same place and you should stick with Gon and I, just in case.", Killua said.

They all nodded and one by one, they entered the game. As the last person entered the game, on the other side of the world others were entering the game as well, but not completely willingly.

"Come on, it'll be fun. I haven't been there since a few years ago and it was fun", a man was pulling his friend towards their game console. "No, we shouldn't be wasting time with a video game", the other responded flatly.

"Fine.", the man stopped, made a 360 degree turn and once he faced his friend again he had two rings in his hand.

"Just kidding!", he said with a wicked smile. He quickly put the ring on both of them and shoved the other toward the console. "I'm killing you once you are imited", he said with a glare.

The other made a friendly smile, while waving, "See you soon, Illumi-chan."

Author's Note:
Sorry this chapter is so short. Hopefully once they are in greed island, the storyline will be jammed packed with interesting and fun content 😋

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