"You can always bring me back."

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They never spoke of it again; the momentary bliss they'd found in one another for only mere minutes on a cloudless night.

They returned to Vero and Lucy; Camila by flight and Lauren through her inhumane speed. They returned to their friends and they found the familiarity of silence meeting them once more. Lauren biting her tongue when her love demanded to be expressed and Camila understanding that she couldn't force the vampire to be with her.

Lauren loved her, she knew this with a certainty of her beating heart, Lauren loved her. Lauren would probably never say it again, but she did. It was a love that spoke of eternity and Camila felt security in that because she knew her own love spoke of that same promise.

It was a love that lived in silence but Camila knew...she just knew that if she were to disappear, it was Lauren who would search beneath every boulder on the planet to find her.

Where there was silence between the youngest vampire and the angelic being, Vero and Lucy began to fill the void. It started off small; Vero asking the oldest vampire to pass the salt as they ate dinner and when their eyes met, Vero began to find any excuse to speak to the vampire.

Lucy could see her hesitance throughout it all and by no means would she ever rush the witch, but their conversations were growing and becoming more frequent. They were finding a comfort in one another once more. Vero was finding forgiveness for the vampire and Lucy vowed would do penance for her actions. She would show Vero that she would never cross that line again, her beast would remain buried within her for as long as she lived.

Their travels had been quiet, something that made Lauren wary because she was certain that Lilith knew exactly where they were and if she wasn't sending any of her legion, she must certainly have a plan to draw Camila closer to her somehow.

The group of four sat at a local bar and grill, Lucy and Lauren opting for drinks while Vero and Camila awaited their meals. Everything about their gathering felt mundane...too mundane for Lauren's comfort. It felt...off. Like something was out of place.

Her eyes scanned around her, taking in all the other human interactions around her. Kids were bickering with one another in a section that seemed reserved for families. A few couples were feuding over trivial matters and the wait staff certainly lacked in hospitality. Something about all the interactions seemed strange to Lauren, out of place.

There wasn't a single group of people that were sitting peacefully to enjoy their meals.

"He was definitely checking you out." Lauren turned to her own group, watching as a frown marred Vero's forehead as her eyes shot a glare at a man seated at the bar.

And she was right, his eyes were definitely raking over Lucy shamelessly. So Vero's jealousy was warranted.

"Fucking jerk." Vero sneered and for a moment Lauren thought she would simply turn back to the table and ignite a conversation with Camila.

But Vero's anger seemed to flare tenfold, only for it to project out and the glass settled between the man's hands shattered.

"Veronica," Lauren warned, unable to understand why the interest of a strange man could arouse such a violent reaction from Vero. "Calm yourself."

Lauren assumed the witch would gather herself but again, she was proven wrong when Vero's eyes darted to the man and Lauren couldn't quite understand what bewildered her to do it, but she had the witch by her arm in only a moment and rushing out of the restaurant.

She shoved the girl away, revealing her fangs as a warning that if Vero tried anything again, Lauren wouldn't hesitate to restrain her in the best way she knew how.

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