Getting to it

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Michael's POV...

I sit in the chair with the phone in one hand as my lawyer spoke about Maria. Everyone sat and stare at me while I listen.

" Mr. Jackson with the law that is made this is going to be a long and hard process" lawyer Dickson spoke

" I don't care how long this will be all I want is my daughter to come home" I said to him

" Mr.Jackson I know that; look let's make an appointment for us to meet up and go over a couple things. I can do it this Thursday at 10am"

" ok then see you then" with that I hung up the phone. I put my head in my hands as my head pounded with pain. I heard footsteps enter the room I look up to see mother and Janet. They both walked over to me engulfing me in a hug

" What's going on Michael?" Janet asked as she sat on the chair across from me while mother sat beside her.

" Maria is gone back home to India, I am still trying to wrap my head around it;that is my baby girl and now she is gone" I told them as hung my head. They both sighed as they got up walking over to me engulfing me in a hug as everyone walked out to give us some privacy. My throat dried with all the thoughts that ran through my head. If I never saw my only child again I will go insane, I already lost her mother I cannot loose her too.

" Baby I don't really know what to say but you have to pray to God , put it in his hands he will take care of it" mother said as she rubbed my back , I looked up to the most important woman in my life the one that gave birth to me. Tears formed in my eyes she gave me a small smile ,

" It's OK to cry Michael , we know you try to act strong but the thought of losing your child is just unbearable, if you need to cry just cry I am always here for you " Janet told me as she hugged me. Then the tears fell , I could not stop them they just kept on coming. Finally I stopped Lovian would want me to be strong and just keep on trying to get Maria back. I remembered Devon's words it seemed like he was telling the truth but I didn't think anything of it. There was a knock at the door I wiped my eyes standing up as mother and Janet sat back down. I opened the door to see a panting Frank and a very sad Dejanae. As soon as their eyes connected with mine Dejanae pulled me into a hug that I returned. She whispered in my ear

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