My past self

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Thank you oshoolu000 for the story idea, a bit sorry for it to take so long before being posted though.

-Meliodas POV-

I ran towards Frowdrin, about to attack. I was careful to not step on any of the spell. I jumped about to strike when Merlin interrupted.

"No, Captain! Not there! You will affect th-" she was cut off by a light that was coming from me.

"No, you destroyed my plan to take us back in time!" Frowdrin yelled. The light faded and I fell to the ground.

I landed on my feet and looked at Frowdrin. He was injured. Not only took that spell a bot of his lifetime, but all his physical strength too.

He tried to stand up. I was about to finish him off when a sword-axe that was very familiar to me landed in front of me. Just some inches apart.

"Captain?" Diane asked. I looked at her.

"What is it Diane?" I asked, not looking at her. Then it hit me, it was the same sword-axe I used to fight with in the holy war.

"What is this doing here?" I asked and touched the blade a bit. Suddenly, it was lifted up. It wasn't many who is able to lift an axe like that.

Suddenly, I was teleported to beside all the sins.

"Who's that? He looks like you Captain." Ban said.

"Scary much like you." King said. I looked where everyone else looked to see... me? It looked exactly like me when it was the holy war, before I meet Elizabeth.

"Merlin? What is happening?" I asked.

"You accidentally stepped in the spell when you was about to attack Frowdrin. Seems the spell took your past self to this time line." Merlin said.

"Is that even possible?" Diane asked.

"It is, but you need a spell that is very dangerous and difficult to use." Gowther said. The past me stood in front of Frowdrin, holding in the axe-sword and talking to Frowdrin.

"Captain? What is that mark on his forehead? And why is he talking to Frowdrin?!" King asked.

"Y-you l-look scary i-i-in t-that m-m-m-mark." Escanor said. It was night time, so he couldn't fight.

"Captain, that is you from..." Merlin cut herself off.

"I know, it's not good." I said.

"Not good? You have always been like now, right? Please tell us you always have been like this?" Diane asked.

"It's best if you don't know." I said. I looked at me, he was pointing at us, or rather me. He said something, but I couldn't hear. No one of us could hear. He stopped pointing and looked at us with that deadly glare I used to have. It always made everyone scared.

"C-captain? W-why are y-you glaring at us?" King asked. I gripped my sword a bit tighter.

"Seems like it will be a fight. Take Frowdrin, I take myself on." I said.

"Captain, we need Frowdrin to send yourself back in time. If Frowdrin gets more hurt, we will need to wait a week or two. It could be too late already." Merlin said.

"Take on Frowdrin, but don't hurt him, just distract. This won't be pretty." I said and ran towards my old self. The sins was running towards Frowdrin.

I was attacking, but Meliodas dodged every attack. It will be hard. I wasn't just much stronger then, I also was used to specific experiences like not eating or constant fighting.

I dodged every attack he come up with and the same did he. I was getting a bit tired. He was just playing with me, I know it, he is much stronger then this.

"Will you give up soon? I'm getting bored." He said.

"Not yet." I said and aimed a kick on his head, but he cough it with his hand.

"I would finish you off if you wasn't me, so just give up, you are too weak. You haven't even activated your demon mark. You will never beat me without it." He said. At this point, he haven't taken one hit while I have taken several. He was right, but I won't activate the mark, I can't control it.

"Captain!" Diane yelled.

"Why are you even with those worthless weaklings? You have gotten weak yourself because you are with races like those. Have you sink that low that you even try to fight against father?!" I asked. That made me freeze.

He was right. I have been weaker. Before, I could control my darkness without even thinking about it. Even when I was asleep, now, I am too scared to just use it some minutes, even seconds.

"I believe in them." I said.

"What?!" He asked. I looked at him seriously.

"I believe in them! I have grown weaker because I have had friends fighting by my side!" I said.

"You are so stupid. You will just believe in people that is even weaker then you, that makes you weak that even could betray you whenever?!" He asked, nearly shouting.

"This is not like in your time line! You can trust them!" I said.

"You have gotten nuts! If father even hear the words 'trust them', you would already be dead!" He yelled.

"I know! But I don't care! I am fighting where I want to fight!" I yelled. Our battle with swords have now turned to one with words.

"I'm surprised you aren't dead yet! You have just become a weak, stupid, idiot! Why do you even fight on their side?! Your turning your back to your own clan, family and your place in the world!" He yelled.

"But maybe I don't want to be like father! Maybe I don't want to have all that responsibility! Maybe I don't want that kind of life! What I want is to have friends and most importantly, my lover!" I yelled.

"Lover? Lover?! You are talking about love like it is the best thing in the world! Love is disgusting! Love is death itself! You should be emotionless! Not feel all that crap feeling, expectly love!" He yelled.

"You just say that because you don't know how it feels to love or be loved! You don't know any other feelings then anger and bloodlust!" I yelled. I was getting angry and my demon mark was about to show.

"Sir Meliodas?" I heard Elizabeth's voice. I turned around to see her and the sins looking at me shocked. Some of them had tears in their eyes. Elizabeth shouldn't have heard this, she should be in the boar hat.

I turned around to see Meliodas.

"We should talk." I said. He just nodded.

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