Chapter 21

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Clarke's POV

Coming down the stairs I saw Lexa's jaw drop. I was wearing light blue jeans, a navy blue shirt, with a white flannel and some light make up, nothing special. She looked as beautiful as even in her black skinny jeans, white shirt, and the necklace she always wore for some reason.

"Hey," I said smiling and I hopped off the last step.

"Hey," she replied, her eyes filled with Curiosity, wondering where we're going. I took her hand and started heading towards the front door.

"Heading out mom, she you later," I yelled before opening the door and moving to the car.

"So, you going to tell me where we're going?" Lexa asked, after I pulled out of the driveways

"Nope," I answer, looking over and smiling at her. A pull a small blind fold out of the backseat of my car and toss it at her.

"You got to be kidding me," she says. I throw her a look and she does what was told.

"Are you planning on murdering me?" She asked.

"How'd you guess," I joke and watch a smile for on her face.

A few minutes the car comes to a stop and I look at the sight of my favorite spot to go as a teenager.

"Alright go ahead and take it off," I say. She rips of the blindfold and looks up at the building.

"You're taking me bowling?"

"Duh, it's like me favorite sport," I reply, with a light laugh.

"Well your going down," she says, racing out of the car and to the front door. She holds the door open for me as I walk in.

"Clarke!" A familiar voice yells. I turn to face wells, my best friend from high school.

"Hey wells," I say moving over to give him a hug. Then I remember, his father is on our most wanted list right now.

"How are you doing?" I ask, pulling away from the hug.

"Well, considering my father is wanted for selling drugs and possible assisted murder, I'm alright. I haven't seen or talked to him in a while, before I even knew if that's what your here for."

"I'm sorry, and no we're actually here to bowl."

"Well that I can help you with, and I'm sorry to here about Finn," he says moving over towards the counter.

"It's fine, he's an ass," I mention, taking off my shoes.

"So, who's this?" He asks pointing towards Lexa.

"This is Lexa, my partner and a friend," I answer.

"Nice to meet you, I'm wells if you haven't heard, and what's your shoe size?"

"Nice to meet you too, and it's and a 10," Lexa replies,taking off her shoes.

"I'll take an 8," I chime in, giving him our shoes.

"Alright here you are and you guys are in lane 4," he says, handing us our shoes and pointing in the direction of the lane.

"I'll talk to you later?"

"Yeah of course, you can call me anytime," he replies, before I walk away. Both Lexa and I grab a ball and set up the game.

"Your going down Griffin," she says, taking moving to take her turn.

"Oh yeah, prove it," I challenge, watching her closely. She sets her self up, sending the ball barreling down the lane towards the pins, only hitting a majority of them. Her next turn the ball i cons down the rest of them as I watch her dance around.

"Beat that Griffin!" she yells, coming to sit down.

"Planning on it," I say, looking over and winking at her. I stepped up to the font of the lane and sent the ball flying to the pins, watching as it knocks them all down. I turn to see Lexa's smirk, giving me a slow clap.

"Game on Griffin, game on," she says getting up to move, but a plate of nachos gets set down in front of us.

"I didn't order anything," I say confused at the waiter.

"Yeah I know, it's from wells. Anything else I can get you?" she asks.

"Two beers please," I say, pulling out my ID and Lexa does the same.

"Alright thanks, I'll be right back," she says, before walking away. Lexa gets up to take her turn and dive into the plate of nachos. A small card sticking out under the tray catches my eye. 'Drinks tonight?' I don't understand why he couldn't have texted me that. I look over at Lexa and see as she gets another spare. I give her a smile and a clap for her as she comes back.

"What's that?" She asks, pointing to the card still in my hand.

"Just a note from wells asking if I want to get drinks tonight," I say, not looking her in the eye.


"I don't know," I say and she moves over to me. She pulls me into a passionate kiss, that I'm pretty sure was to tell wells to back off.

"What the hell!" I yell.

"I'm sorry Clarke?" she says confused.

"Whatever let's just finish the game," I say, the flirting stops after that. Lexa's still seams confused trying to figure out what she did wrong. 'Maybe I will get drinks with him.'

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