Chapter 33

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Clarke's POV

*Bang, bang, bang* more gun shots.
I finally look up and see the guards dead on the ground. Jaha shot but in his hand to drop the gun and be kept alive. Finn and Wells being tied up. I see Raven and a team looking around from anyone else. She signals for someone to run over to Lexa before she comes and gets me.

"Are you ok?" She asks untying me from the pipe. I nod my head slowly before stumbling over to Lexa. I throw my arms around her, never wanting to let go.

"Don't worry Clarke, I'm ok," she whispered into my ear. I don't let go out hug her tighter. When we finally let go I stumble back over to raven and give her a hug as well.

"How'd you find us?" I ask after we pull away.


Raven stumbled through the woods trying to find anyone who could help. She tripped over on the forest ground and went tumbling down a hill. She brushed off the leaves and blood and got back up running to to the sound of a car. In the distance she could make out a road. She flagged down the on coming car.

"Hey are you ok?" A red head asked.

"No not really, do you have a phone I can use?"

"Yeah, do you need a ride anywhere?" The Gil said handing over her phone.

"Maybe I'll see after this call," she answer before dialing 911. After finished the call she handed it back to the girl.

"Thanks..." she trailed off realizing she didn't know her name.

"Luna," she answered.

"Well thanks Luna. Where are you headed?" Raven asked, admiring the frame of the girl in the car. She was beautiful.

"I'm heading to Arkadia, need a ride?" Luna asked.

"I'd love one, but I got to wait here for the rest of the officers," Raven said disappointed.

"That's to bad mind if I have your number, just incase you need a ride anywhere," Luna winked before handing her phone back over.

"Of course." She filled in her number and handed it back."I'll be expecting a call soon."

"Don't worry. Raven that's a sick name."

"Thanks." And with that the girl drove off.

Finally the sound of a helicopter could be made out in the distance, steadily growing closer. As soon as it landed paramedics rushed to check raven out. She had a minor concussion, and sprained ankle and wrists, but that wouldn't stop her.

"Alright, I heard them talking about bringing her to a boat out on the ocean. We start there and find any boat they could be on," she yelled as they arrived back at the Arkadia station. The team ran inside and immediately got to work.

"Hey, I'm Monty with the Polis department. Need an extra hand," Monty said as he walked up to Raven.

"Oh right your on that special team I'm transferring too. Go ahead and get on computer and look for any boat they could be on," Raven ordered and Monty quickly obeyed. Raven watched as people were typing away on the computer looking for the boat.

"Remember we don't have much time, We don't know what's happening but whatever it is we can assume it's not good," Raven

"I got something!" Monty yelled, Raven ran over and look at the Boat in front of her. "It's a yacht, looks like would be the best option for drug dealers."

"It's the one, get a team ready to move," Raven ordered and once again everyone obeyed. The team was ready in minutes and headed on a helicopter out towers the sea.

"We're going in hot," she yelled as the boat came into view. They repelled down on the rope, guns at the ready.

"Where are they!" Raven shouted, threatening a guard with her gun. The guard lead her down a hallway, and came to a stop at one the doors. Yelling could be heard from the outside of it and raven didn't waste a second going in.

{Flashback over, Clarke's POV}

"And that's how I got here," Raven said finishing her story.

"Thank you Raven," I said giving her another hug. "But we aren't done yet."

"Your right Clarke, there's one more person above him," Lexa chimed in.

"You'll never find her," Jaha mumbled clutching his hand.

"Yeah right, raven look at the ships log and she where it's been the most," I said and Jaha smirk changed into horror.

"Yes ma'am," Raven said dragging Monty up to the bridge.

"Keep an eye on these three," I said talking to the guards. I went to follow Raven, Lexa not far behind.

"We got it," Raven said as we entered the bridge. "It's an island not far from here."

"Then what the hell are we waiting for."

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