Chapter 7

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(Time Deos POV ooO)

I look at the date. In around 1 Week it'll be time.

For me to shine.

I Look at the Ticket one more time and mutter.

"This'll be great.... hopefully"

(Tubbo's POV 🐝)

I was on the smp streaming. then suddenly a dono popped up.

And the Robot voice read it.

@jessiwastaken has Donated 3$!

Hey tubbo I love your content I just wanted to ask why doesn't Tommy stream on the smp anymore?

"Hey jessi Thanks for the dono! But if I am being honest I really don't know he just kinda seemed to stop randomly I can ask him why tho!"

I call Tommy on discord and he didn't answer

Then I realize

"Oh sorry chat Tommy's probably asleep right now I mean it is 6 AM"

I continue to play on the smp. (Pls sleep tubbo)

(Tommy's POV)

I wake up and head to the bathroom.

I brush my teeth.

But as I was about to go down stairs. I feel something coming up .

I go to the toilet and spit it out there.

It was blood?.

What was up with that. Maybe I just brushed my teeth to hard?

(That makes perfect sense 😃☝ don't question me)

I go down stairs and eat breakfast. And by breakfast I mean a bite of eggs.

I go back upstairs and take a shower. After the shower I go into my online class.

But obviously I wasn't paying attention to the class... No no no.

I was obviously editing my videos.

After finishing all my classes. I grab a Coke and sit at my desk.

I decide to play a horror game.( Fnaf 4 cuz yes.)

I start Stream. And get my usual "hi"s or "pogchamp"s

"Hey chat you read the stream title it's time for me to suffer"

Just as I was about to start my first game I get a call on discord from tubbo.

I answer.

"Hey t bow how are you big man"

"Hey Tommy! I am good"

"So what's up?"

"Oh nothing it's just my chat is asking why you stopped Streaming on the smp for like 4 days?"

"Tubbo you're still streaming?!"

"Yeah! I've been streaming for 18 hours now! I plan to end after 24"

"Ok tubbo make sure to drink coffee"

"Ok but the question?"

"Oh I guess I don't really know why I stopped I'll probably stream it again tomorrow"

"Oh ok bye Tommy!"

"Bye tubbo good luck on your 24 hour stream!"

I end call and realize.

That I lied.

I Know why I stopped Streaming on the smp.

It's because whenever I do so.

Something bad seems to happen to me...

I flinch from the sound of the robot voice reading a dono that says.

@timmyinnit he donated 6.99$!

Earth to Tommy?

"Oh sorry guys let's go back to playing"


Short but sweet Chapter 😳

Anyways I realized that I never gave you guys a name to call me other then author

So you guys can call me


(Pronounced Si-el)

Anyways I am gonna try convincing my dad to get me a bon 🐇
Wish me luck

Word Count:539

Oh and remember

Vote to be Pog

that one Stream - A Tommyinnit angst.Where stories live. Discover now