Chapter 8

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(A/N  when you get to the part where does calls Tommy listen to the music for effect 💕)

(Tommy's POV)

I go to the right door and open it. I see a purplish blue Bunny.

I flash the light and go back and do the same with the left door.

I look under the bed and see nothing.

I turned around and I got jumpscared by nm foxy.

I put my hands on my face and shout

"AHSH fftttttt"

"Stop yelling!"

(At this point Tommy's voice got higher lmao)

"Sorry mum! I am playing a horror game!"

I look at the chat and it's filled with "JSJDDK" And "TOMMY CHECK THE FUCKING CLOSET"

I sigh and look at my sub goal


I hesitate but say

"Chat if we reach the sub goal I will get Walter and Betty in here"

People started using there primes and then we hit it



I get up and leave my room and go down stairs.

I grab dog treats and make Betty and Walter follow me to my room.

I sat back in my chair.

"Woo!! POG dogs!"

"Ok chat I think I should end Stream here so sorry it's earlier then usual but anyways have a good one bye chat!!! "
I say waving as I press the end Stream button.

I sighed in relief as I was actually much more scared then I showed.

I got on my bed and Walter and Betty sat snuggling next to me.

I was much nicer to my dogs off stream.

I pet both of them and opened Reddit.

( I don't use Reddit bare with me one more time.-.)

I upvoted the ones I liked then I got called by deo.

I answer.

"Hey tommathy!"


"How are you doing?"

"Not so good just played a horror game probably going to have a nightmare"

"It's ok Tommy you can always call me when you need to!"

"...hey deo"


"thanks for just being always there when I need you you're a really good friend"

"Aww you're always welcome tommy "

I smile and lay down on my bed shutting my lights off but keeping my bedside table lamp on  still talking to deo.

Slowly I fell asleep.

I woke up but I wasn't in my room I was in a dark void like room.

I heard voices and walked over to them.

that one Stream - A Tommyinnit angst.Where stories live. Discover now