D I C I A S S E T T E - P U R P L E

37 23 10

"It has a ring of truth in it. As all the best lies do."


Francesca River de Luca

It's been three days since that day which lead Leone to tighten the security so much that not even the fishes in the aquarium could breathe without his permission.

He's absolutely paranoid and dangerously angry.

The vein on the side of his head always pulsating terrifying fury as his jaw is taut.

He hasn't slept or anything, not even a little rest.

When we reached that day I patched him up and then he was on his way for his plans of world domination I guess.

Of course I have no idea about anything as usual.

That's nothing new, it's as normal as breathing for everyone.

But I am a ball of anxiety. I cannot help but think, think and think some more.

About what, I don't know.

It's the exhaustion that reminds me that the wheels of my brain are churning themselves vigorously, without any answer though.

The wedding has been postponed till the weekend, which is six days away.



It was an ordeal to convince the capo though.

Our parents and everyone tried but to no avail.

It was a secret talk with his Nonno that did the basic for us all.

He wasn't happy as he announced.

He just said it and left.

I am not sure how to feel about anything to be honest.

Usually I hide in my anger and bask in my solitude but these days I am too confused to even blame the ones playing the major part in all this.

Both the families are sharing the farm house that we both own. All the relatives have been requested to get back to there lives, Ro has gone back to her life, everything is in an organised frenzy.

When you see it's all normal, just a normal wedding is being arranged, a normal day in the lives of people. But when you look close you see the nerves, the fidgeting, the prayers.

But for what? What is leading to all this? What is all this leading to?

I don't know.

Completely blank.

But even in this hidden chaos, the loyalty and trust in the head of the family shines brightly.

No matter the nerves everyone is calm that they're safe and they'll be fine. Like it's normal.

Normal that we were attacked.

Normal that the Valentini prodigy came home drenched in blood and pleas.

Normal that no hand shook while they killed.

Messed up. I know.

But the harmony with which even the guards outside stand makes me realize why they call themselves family.

Because this is a family where no matter what they stick together and no one can infiltrate the knit.

Beautiful yet haunting.

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