Chapter 24

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"Please, let me go!" I begged. "I've never done anything to you!"

A tan colored lioness walked over to me. "Never." Alongside her stood a wolf, it's icy blue eyes seeming to pierce through my soul itself.


"No," the lioness refused. "This is my last chance at revenge."

"What's the point anyway?!" I asked. "You're dead now. Gone. You wont be able to affect anything or anyone. You couldn't physically rule over anything now."

"True," the lioness mused. "But I can have revenge over that little family of yours. I can just imagine how sad they'll be with you dead." The lioness curled her lips into a wicked smile.

"Why?" I asked. "What's the point of getting revenge?"

"You'd never understand, young lion. The wrongs that have been done to me are unforgivable and unforgettable. It's only right that I have payback. They are all going to get what they deserve."


Kion opened his eyes. I was dreaming... That dream wasn't just a dream, it was a memory of the day before, at least, what he thought was the day before. Time had become such a blur now. His spirit drifted in and out of his body itself. His body lay on the bottom of the ravine, barely moving even the slightest bit.

His visit to Fuli a couple of days ago was unplanned. He had begged the spirits of the wolf and lioness to let his spirit go to her.

What am I going to do now? He asked himself. The strange spirits had complete control over where his spirit would go.

He had barely gotten any food. The only things he was able to eat were some poor animal who stumbled into the ravine without seeing it. That rarely happened. He was barely able to get water either - the only thing he got to drink was small puddles that collected near him when it rained.

If I only had enough strength... I could get out of here. If I had enough strength... I could find the rest of the Guard.

Kion looked up at the bright blue sky. The hot and fiery sun shined clearly. With no shade and hardly any water, Kion felt as if he was burning alive.

His gaze focused on a nearby mouse that scurried by. If I can catch that... I'll get to eat. He instinctvily stayed very still, hoping that the mouse would think he was dead. Honestly, it would be kind of hard not to think that, considering his current state. He closed his eyes to give a better illusion.

The mouse approached him, sniffing about. He felt it touch the tip of his front paw. He opened his eyes ever so slightly and looked at it, focusing on it intensely. He waited for the right moment. Three... two... one! He  reached out while unsheathing his claws. He caught it swiftly. He pulled the dead mouse towards him, ready to eat it. He licked his lips, this was the first time in days he got to eat so much as a morsel.

He was about to gobble it up in one bite, but then he remembered what his mother, Nala, always told him. 'Food eaten slower feeds you longer.' Reluctantly, he slowly ate it. He relished every bite.

I wonder how Fuli is doing... He wondered to himself after he was done eating the mouse. And Gozi, Bunga, Beshte, Ono, Makini, and Anga.

The fact that he was still in the same ravine that's near Swift's Clan didn't help at all. All day he heard Mwepesi shouting orders to the cheetahs in Swift's Clan. A lot of times he heard the screaming of a cheetah who was punished.

Poor cheetahs... they don't deserve this. Any of this.

There it was again - a wail of pain and terror coming from the direction of the Swift's Clan cave. He heard the thumping pawsteps of the cheetahs as they ran. "LET ME GO!" One screamed. "PLEASE LET ME GO!"

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