Chapter 15

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It's been two months and I'm almost over him. I mean, I see him laughing with his friends in the halls every once in a while and my heart aches just a tiny bit, but not as much as it used to. It's just the memories that hit the hardest. Sometimes I find myself wishing that he'd have left me alone to ride home on my bike after the robbery, and other times I hold onto the memories we've created for dear life. I started drawing him again and it's helped. I even drew him fully naked. Almost as like a "fuck you" to Mark and his friends.

I stopped hurting myself as much, but I still skip up every now and then and Riley and I still dance my sadness away in my bedroom to the worlds worst songs.

  My parents and I actually adopted a dog! His name is Spencer and it's very very very difficult to be sad when he's around.

Life is turning itself around.

Out of curiosity one day, I asked Riley if I could log into her Instagram and check out Mark's page because I'm still blocked. Turns out nothings really changed at all... parties, random chicks by his side, sports games; the only thing that's really different is that he smokes weed now and makes that known in his posts.

You know how someone can be the most attractive person on the planet and once you get to really know them they become less and less beautiful to you? Yeah, Mark isn't shit. The details of that one weekend become foggy at times and I try my best to rewrite the story as best as I can in my favor.

The only remnants of my situational depression are my grades. The SATs are coming up and I want to get them out of the way as soon as possible, but I don't trust myself right now with the grades that I have. I'm not going to waste money on a test that I'm not even sure I can pass.

My mom called my school the other day because she never saw me doing any homework anymore and her motherly instincts kicked in to check up on my grades and she was not happy...

Long story short, I'm getting a tutor. I really don't want one. I had one in middle school and she just made me feel like an idiot. She emphasized every little mistake I made and took pleasure in proving me wrong rather than teaching me anything.

Mark's POV

"Coach please," I cried, following him around the locker room. It felt like I was talking to a wall, but I was desperate. "I'll stop. I swear. I put my life on it."

He huffed out an annoyed sigh and finally turned to face me. "Well then you shouldn't have done it in the first place, Fishbach!" He shouted.

I wanted to tell him that it isn't my fault. That I let Ethan persuade me because he was hurt and I felt bad, but that isn't the truth and even if it was, it doesn't matter. I had the final call and I need to take responsibility for that.

"I know," I mumbled, covering my face with my hands. I can't remember the last time I was this stressed out. I was more calm with a gun to my fucking head than I am right now. "I know I shouldn't have. I'm sorry."

"Do you know how bad this makes me look?" He whisper shouted. The coffee on his breath was pungent, but I tried not to let that show. "My star player getting caught with drugs?!"

"I'll do anything," I pleaded through a huff of defeat. I don't know what I'll do if I get kicked off the team. All my scholarships and my trophies and years worth of hard work down the drain. "Anything at all."

"Mark, I'm not sure there's anything that can be done," he said with disappointment laced through his every word.

"Damnit!" I yelled as I kicked one of the lockers next to me, opening it on accident. I slammed my arms up against it and almost began to cry. Why the fuck did I let Ethan do this to me?

"Hey!" Coach shouted harshly. "You did this to yourself and I'll be damned if-"

I looked at him through ready eyes and a stern look on my face. We looked at eachother for a moment before I pathetically shook my head in defeat and weakly muttered another plead.

After pondering for a moment, he told me to delete the photos off of my social media.

"Done," I replied. I'd done that the second he found out in attempt to cover my tracks, but to my dismay, digital foot print came in clutch for them.

Coach paced around for a quick moment. "What do your grades look like?" He asked.

"Almost straight As. I'm on honor roll," I said truthfully. I could physically feel the hope build itself back up inside of me as our conversation continued.

"I'm giving you 3 students," he said sternly, looking me dead in the eye. "3 hopeless, idiot students with amazing potential for non academic scholarships, and if you can tutor them and get them all to honor roll, I'll let you back on the team."

Part of me wanted to jump for joy and part of me wanted to scream. Don't get me wrong, I'm extremely thankful for the second chance, I just wish it wouldn't be so difficult.

I couldn't help but to bring coach in my arms and hug him tight, thanking him for everything. His potential and faith in me was unwavering and I owe him the world for that.

He pushed me off, mumbling a "yeah, yeah."

"But I'm not playing," he said, pointing a finger at me sternly. "You're not coming back onto this team unless all three of them finish this year off with their names on the honor roll."

I nodded proudly in response. "I think I can do it," I told him with a wide smile.

"You think you can?" He asked, raising his eyebrows. "Or you know you can?"

With a proud stance, a serious look on my face, and a confident smile, I told him that "I know I can," and he walked out of the room. As soon as he left, my posture faltered and my hair fell in front of my eyes as I leaned down and propped myself up with my hands on my knees.

"I know I can," I told myself out loud over and over again. "I know I can. I know I can. I know I can... I have to."

A/N: 1238 words
I slept in and accidentally skipped school today for the fourth time this year 😙✌️but that just gives me more time to write :)
ALSO: !SHAMELESS SELF PROMO ALERT! So I just wanted to casually mention that I have another story ^-^ it's a crankiplier smut story and you should totally check it out if you wanna. It's hella kinky and can get triggering at times but I put TWs in every chapter that needs them :) it would be greatly appreciated my loves but if smut just really isn't your thing that's cool too <3

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