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TW: talks of e*ting disorders and body dysmorphia

A first kiss is an event in everyone's life that they think about. I always imagined what my first kiss would be like. Would it be on the subway, in the back rows of a movie theater, or would I be old as hell? 

I never thought that my first kiss would be with fucking Cole Fitzgerald on New Year's eve.

I know that you weren't supposed to kiss and tell but I had to talk to someone about it. Ever since it happened, I couldn't stop thinking about it.

Of course, I wanted to tell all my girls about it but telling five people my business seemed a little risky. Plus I couldn't tell Sam because it was just weird.

So I decided to tell Jaidyn who had been my closest girl friend since sixth grade. 

"You kissed him!" she squealed as I got dressed for school.

"He kissed me." I shot back.

Jaidyn made face. "But you kissed him back didn't you? Exactly. You know, I always thought Sammy would be the one to kiss you."

"Honestly me too." I agreed with her. "Like we used to all be close when we were younger but Sammy and I are closer than me and Cole."

I sat down on my bed so I could put on my boots. "I just can't stop thinking about it! Like my first was with him."

"Is that a good thing or bad thing?" she asked me.

God that was a good question. 

"I don't know," I responded. "I don't hate that he did that but I don't know. I guess I'm just confused."

"Do you like him?" Jaidyn continued.

I shrugged. "I think he's attractive."

"Ugh, boys are so confusing." Jaidyn groaned. "Are you nervous about school today?

Today was my first day back to school since the news about my family got out. There was now an undercover security guard following me basically 24/7, I was practically prohibited from walking and using public transportation, and then there was the unwanted attention.

"Yeah," I admitted. "I have so many requests on Instagram it's crazy. My mom says I might have to delete it but she made my change my username to something hella complicated."

Jaidyn let out a laugh. "I saw that shit. I thought you got high and changed it on accident."

My mom knocked on my door and opened it slightly. "The driver is two minutes away."

I nodded my head and she closed the door. "Can you meet me in front of the school?"

"Of course." she agreed. "I'll even get you coffee."

"You're heaven sent." I smiled as I stood up. "Oh don't forget to not tell anyone about the whole situation thingy."

"My lips are sealed." she assured me.

"Thank, J, you're the best." I picked up my bookbag and ran down the stairs. "I'll see you in twenty."

I ended the call and went to the kitchen where my family was. There were already so many cardboard boxes of their clothes and pictures packed that it was saddening. 

"Want some chocolate chip waffles?" she offered.

Way too many calories for my big arms and coffee suppressed all of my hunger anyway.

I shook my head. "Nah. I'll just get something in the cafeteria. Where's Dad?"

"There was a virtual meeting at 7 am London time but it was 3 am here so that kept him up all night so he's asleep." she explained as she handed me my lunch bag. "Are you going to dance tonight? I need to tell the driver and your guard."

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