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<<<<<<<<< PART 8 >>>>>>>>>


Chen Jia Xin is super happy today. She's gonna participate as an author on behalf of her university. She quickly gets ready and took her novel together and went to professor Wang.
Wang Xi Yi is also there.
He was waiting for the professor wang in his cabin. He noticed that someone is coming, he quickly hide behind the curtain. Someone opened the door, asking for professor Wang. The person is Chen Jiaxin. She put her novel on his desk, looking for him.
She first thinks to wait for him, but then she noticed the Message recorder.
She leaves a message for him
" Hello, professor Wang! I am Chen Jia Xin. The one who is participating in the author's fair on behalf of our university. I put my author's fair novel on your desk. Please check it and give me suggestions about it. Thank you! "
And she left from there. 

After she left, Xi Yi came outside and take a look at her novel. He found some mistakes and a good idea for making the novel more interesting.
He took the novel and put it in the bag.
He's working, day or night on the novel.
It took 4 days to finish the novel.
On the 5th day,
He went to her,
He saw her eating with Cai Yasi. He started questioning himself,
"Why I am feeling jealous?"
He came to her and said
"here's your novel! " while receiving the novel she asked

"why it's with you?"                                                                                                                                                           he gives a weird reaction and said                                                                                                           "professor gives me to give you"                                                                                                                              "Oh! Okay! Okay! "Jia Xin said.

When he left, she started wondering
"why the professor give him? He can ask me to come too!"

1 week ago,
The result of the author's fair came out.
Jia Xin won first prize.
Seeing her success, Xi Yi felt proud.
She went to professor wang
For thanking him.
When she arrived,
Professor welcome her with a warm smile.
She comes in and thanked the professor.
He said while laughing
"Why thanking me? Your novel is super interesting. No doubt it won the first prize".

Professor's words make her more confused.
She asked
"professor, aren't you edit my novel?"
Professor said while being confused
"I don't even receive your novel."
She quickly gets it that Xi Yi edits the novel.
She thanked the professor and left.
She was looking for him for almost a week, but he wouldn't come to university.
Xi Yi was furious a few days ago, 

he found out that his mom had been hiding his favorite things and making him even busier than usual as she wanted him to focus on his career as a singer and a model and also take care of and spend more time with his future wife which he did not like. While with Jiaxin, she became famous because she had defeated Li Shen and her group In the fight. 

As days went by, she realized that the boy who kissed her was really helpful in ways she could not describe. One day she saw him sitting on the staircase. He looked quite upset and so she decided to come up to him and sat next to him. 

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