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<<<<<<<<< PART 27 >>>>>>>>



Hello Everyone,

First, appreciate you sincerely. You took your precious time and read my story. This story was very exciting for me. I feel the warmth of love, while writing this story and learned a lot. Jiaxin's character was hardly possible in today's world. The ability to bear like her, think for others can only found in rare people. I don't know if you got to learn anything from Li Shen and Jiaxin, but I have learned a lot. She encouraged her. She made her feel the genuine warmth. If someone like that is in your life, then please smile: you are lucky. Xi Yi's love was also a unique feeling. I really do not know, when I started writing stories? Why I started it? But I know I felt happy to do it. It's not beneficial for me, but at least it brings a smile on my face. I do what I love. People who are close to me were very appreciative, but sometimes I used to think that they just told me to make me feel happy. I have never praised myself before. But after writing this, I came to know that whether people admire you or not. You should always appreciate yourself:

 You should always appreciate yourself:

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One Poem for you guys:

You are your own glam light.
Don't be envious of others

Praise your work cause only you understood the hard work behind the work.

Love whatever you do.
Do whatever you love.
No one cares, they judge only.
Smile, even more, they simply feel jealous of your bright eternity.
Keep on, don't stop. Success has to be found.
They'll fight, you don't answer.
They will keep pointing out, do not believe them.
Do not let your heart get dirty, whether they called you ugly or fatty.
Be your own identity.
Stop being a perfectionist. It's okay if you fail in something.
Opportunities never stop. Anything they say to you, remember this you are living for yourself and not for them.
Love yourself and
cherished you like the way you are.

Thank you again for helping me on my journey. We will meet again in another story, will again learn something, and will continue loving ourselves. Till then, take care, my readers. Have a wonderful year ahead.

My resolution for this year is that I will continue doing what I love? And I will love myself even more. What resolution did you take?

Keep shining!
Keep loving yourself!
Stay inspired! Stay real!

Goodbye and
happy New Year wishes

From the author,

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