#1 - Child!Anti Pt. 1

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Info piece: Anti is a child being taken care of by all the other Septic egos.

Warning/s: Mentions of bullying, crying

Third Person Perspective
The little glitch demon runs through the house avoiding his older brothers to the fullest extent. All of them are busy, so they pay no mind to the tiny child running past. He shuts the door to his room and locks it. He's upset. Anti huffs as he shoves a chair up against the door. He's done this before, and he'll certainly do it again. Then he proceeds to angrily pack his small backpack full of things. Things like a box of band-aids and a flashlight. He's not stupid ya know.

Anti then tosses the thing over his shoulders and furrows his brows as he stands in the middle of the room. He goes over the mental list of things he needs to run away. Again. Now here's the question, why is Anti running away this time? Oh, there he goes. Out the window. Well, let me tell you. Anti's oldest brothers all have work to do.

Henrick being a doctor, JB being a hero, Marvin being a magician and helping Robbie learn better English, Robbie learning said English from Marvin, JJ hanging out with Wilford, or doing some silent movie type videos, Chase handling legal issues or just drinking himself to sleep, and lastly, Séan doesn't even live there. Not that Anti would let Séan come close to him.

So none of them noticed as Anti got more antsy and aggressive. He had been having issues with kids at school. Your classic little assholes who can't keep their mouths shut sometimes. Anti had been getting teased by said kids. And well, he obviously clapped back and that never sat well with teachers and other kids. So far he hadn't said anything too drastic and neither did the other party. It was just stuff that would make little kids upset, things when adults heard, they'd scoff at and tell them to brush off. While they may be silly, they still hurt. After all, they're kids.

So Anti decided that he's done with school, he's done with trying to grab at the attention of his oldest brothers, and he's just going to vibe by himself in the woods. Which in all honestly, is pretty understandable. So as we speak, said demon is walking through the woods. After a really long while of walking actually, Anti finds a nice little grove. He decides this is where he'll stay, and picks one of the small trees to stay in. Anti then proceeds to climb a tree, using his claws to pull himself up. Strong boy. Anti makes a sort of nest up there and curls up. It's gotten cold over the hours. Anti lays his head to the side and starts to doze off.

Meanwhile at home~

"Hey, Marv. Where's Anti?" Marvin turns to the superhero.

"I'm not sure. Go check his room." Robbie waves as JB, receiving one in return. JB nods and then heads out of the living room to go find Anti. Henrick comes down, stretching, and yawning.

"You should get some sleep," Marvin says softly. Henrick nods.

"Mmm yeah. I'm just gonna grab a snack, then go." Marvin nods and Henrick continues his trek to the fridge. The soft sound of Chase and Henrick greeting each other is heard from the kitchen. JJ enters the living room with a warm smile as he waves to both Robbie and Marvin.

"Hey JJ, have fun making those movies?" JJ gives two thumbs up as Robbie giggles. A loud slam is heard from upstairs. Everyone goes silent. Dead. Silent.

"Anti?! Anti?! Where are you?!" Jackie's panicked voice could be heard from upstairs. Next thing you know everyone is upstairs staring into Anti's room as Jackie frantically searches all the hiding spots.

"Robbie does not see Anti's bag." Robbie points this out. Jackie turns around.

"Shit. Did he run away again?" The other members shrugged.

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