#5 - Robbie x Marvin

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So, you can have this be platonic or romantic.

Third Person Perspective
Marvin and Robbie were having another English session. Every other day Marvin would bring Robbie in and work with him to better his English. This would include Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Sunday would be JJ's day to help him pick up hobbies or something. It was mainly a relaxing day for Robbie to have someone to play with. Saturday Henrick would take a few hours to check him over and make sure his stitches are tight and secure. Along with monitoring anything about him.

Tuesday Chase would bring Robbie with him and Bing to their hangout place. It was a time for Robbie to get outside rather than be stuck inside all week. Thursday, Jackie would have Robbie "work out" with him. Robbie mainly was a moral support source. Anti didn't really bother with him, but no one knew that on most nights, since Robbie never really sleeps, Anti would keep him company.

Right now though, rather than focusing on English, Robbie is completely stuck on asking questions about Marvin's magic. This would happen every so often. Robbie would get stuck on a topic and until he either fully understood it or he had no more questions to ask about it, he would keep on it.

"Alright alright, here let me show you some tricks." Robbie beams with excitement.

"Yay!" Marvin gives a soft chuckle as he sits back a bit.

"Okay, stay there." Robbie grounds himself, watching intently. Marvin focuses himself and manages to create a nice show of sparks. Robbie cheers softly as to not disturb Marvin. Marvin then shows a bunch more tiny things, Robbie cheering each time, making sure to comment on how amazing Marvin is. Marvin lights up a black flame, silver sparks and such highlighting it. Robbie stares, completely entranced by the show. Marvin then moves on with a smile. He pops a bunch of tiny stars out of his hand and gives one to Robbie. Robbie touches it and his eyes widen.

"Squishy!" Robbie plays with the little star and Marvin watches, eyes twinkling with amusement as he does so. Robbie looks up at him, eyes full of wonder.

"Marvin is amazing." Marvin blushes with embarrassment.

"Thanks, Robbie." Marvin definitely loves to hear nice little compliments every once in a while. Robbie moves over to Marvin and gives him a big hug. Robbie giggles. Marvin spends the rest of the time showing Robbie spells and answering his questions. It was definitely a lovely day for the two.

Author's Note
Short and sweet. I didn't have many ideas to work with, but I did my best. ! And the last part is coming up :) so the end of the book is soon.


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