#1 - Child!Anti Pt. 2

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I wrote so much to these that I had to break them up into parts.

Warning/s: Mentions of bullying, crying

Séan's Perspective
Fuck the rain is heavy. I gotta find him soon. I rush through the woods, doing my best not to miss him. Eventually, I reach a cliff wall. Fuck. The thunder makes a booming sound and I see the lightning strike in the sky soon after. I turn around. I'll have to head back soon. A strong feeling urges me to look to my left. I do. This is when I spot the very subtle glitching in the trees. It's definitely not good if I can see them from here. I rush over to the small group and spot Anti huddled up in one of the trees.

"Anti?" Anti doesn't turn to look at me. I can see his shivering a lot. I climb up there, struggled, but got up there. I steady myself in a solid position.

"Anti?" I say a tad bit louder than I did before. Anti still doesn't turn to look at me. I gently touch him.

"Anti?" Anti finally realizes someone's up here with him. He turns around as I can see the green ooze running down his face. Fuck.

"Come on, let's get you home where it's not raining." Rather than yell at me like I figured he would, Anti holds on to me. Tightly. Like really fucking tight. Like I have his claws in my skin. That doesn't matter though. What matters is he's not arguing with me. As much as I'm willing to be patient with him, I think it's just best to get him home as soon as possible and hope that he doesn't get sick. I hold him to me, being mindful of his backpack, and get down to the ground. I hold him close as I make my way back. I look down at the little demon. Then I look back up. We're so far.

I check my phone. No service either. Fuck. This is when I notice a little cave. That should be good. I step inside and immediately notice the bats nestled in a group on the ceiling. Interesting. I sit close to the entrance and hold Anti close to me. I search through his little backpack and find a blanket. This'll be good enough. I wrap him in it and hold him in my arms. I gently carcass the side of his face with my thumb as I can still hear him crying softly. I wait patiently until he's calmed down enough to talk to me.

"They're mean." Anti's voice is soft and nearly silent.

"Whose mean?" Anti sniffles.

"The kids at school." I knew it had to do something with them. Little assholes. Of course, they are when they come from their equally rude parents.

"Think you can tell me some of the reasons why they're mean?" I wait patiently as Anti hugs me tighter.

"They keep calling me names and making fun of me. They always point out my eyes and my ears. They think they look weird." Anti looks up at me, eyes filled with tears.

"I don't look weird do I?" I soften my look.

"No. You don't. You look perfect as you do. They have no right to make fun of you for your looks." I wipe his tears away, again ignoring the sting. Anti buries his face again.

"Why didn't you talk to any of the others?" I wait for his answer.

"They were busy. They wouldn't listen to me." I sigh softly.

"I guess they do get caught up don't they." I rub his back.

"Well, if anything else happens and everyone is busy. You can call me. Or Mark, I'll get you his number and he can connect you to Host, Bing, or Wilford." Anti coughs a bit.

"Okay." I glance out at the sky. Still heavily raining. Anti shivers.

"You cold buddy?" Anti hums softly.

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