#4 - Guardian!Anti Pt. 2

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"So, what do you guys intend to do while waiting for Google and Host to fix this mess of yours?" Jackie makes a small noise, seemingly to have stopped himself from saying something. No one answers.

"Give me something or I'll figure something out myself." Jackie finally speaks.

"I wanna go see Marvin."

"He's asleep." Jackie looks up at me, eyes filled with guilt and desperation.

"And?" The word is very soft.

"Go ahead. You wake him up and you'll find out what the consequences are." Jackie scurries off and I turn my attention back to the rest of the group.

"Chase." Chase jumps.


"Tell me." Chase stutters a shit ton before finally spouting something out.

"Can I play video games?" I hum.

"In your room?" Chase nods his head. I wave my hand and he rushes to his room.

"Henrick." Henrick crosses his arms.

"I can read a book in my room."

"Grand. Go." Henrick walks off, much less frantic than the other two.

"Séan." He immediately bursts into tears. Dear god. I sigh.

"Come 'ere." Séan takes a moment to hesitate but ends up coming over to me. I scoop him up and hold him close to me as I rub his back. Séan continues crying for a bit before settling down. Once he's down to just sniffling, I glance over at JJ whose been patiently waiting.

"And JJ?" JJ smiles, gives me a wait sign, then runs off. I wait for JJ to get back and once he is, I notice a camera in his hand. JJ holds it up to me excitedly.

"You wanna take pictures?" JJ nods frantically. I take the camera. JJ does a cute little pose. He's got a radiant smile as he puts two thumbs up. I snap the photo and JJ waits til it pops out of the camera. Then he carefully sets it aside. Robbie stands on the couch.

"Robbie want picture!" JJ beckons him down and they both pose together for a picture. I snap another one and JJ does the same process of waiting and setting aside. Séan joins in at this point and I find myself taking a bunch of different pictures of them. They somehow convinced me to get some with them so that ended up happening.

Then I let JJ, Robbie, and Séan run around. As long as they're not bothering me, I'm fine. If they break stuff? Oh well. Not my house; not my issue. I lay on the couch and get aborted into my thoughts, absentmindedly petting the small kitten. They better fucking get that counterspell done soon.

After a long while of silence, aside from the giggles of the trio running around taking pictures, I decide to get up and check on Marvin and Jackie.

"JJ." JJ runs into the room and looks up at me.

"Here." I hand the small kitten over to him. JJ nods and carefully holds her as he runs back to the small group. I then silently make my way upstairs. Peeking into the room, I find Jackie curled up next to Marvin. Cute. I stand here for a moment. Then I close the door, decided to check on Henrick next.

I quietly open the door. Henrick is completely wrapped in blankets, snacks on the floor. He is eating gummies while reading. Interesting. I stand here for a bit, watching as he falls into a fit of giggles from one certain part of his book. Mm. I then go and check on Chase.

Peeking in, I find him enjoying a round of Slime Ranchers. He seems to be doing good so far. I notice him at a specific part of the game. There's a secret pathway here.

6 Picture Prompts - JOM DoodlesWhere stories live. Discover now