#4 - Guardian!Anti Pt. 1

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I'm not particularly sure what Jay wanted their Anti to be like as a guardian? Like a gladiator type thing or parental type thing, but uhh, I'm just gonna make Anti a temporary dad :)

Warning/s: Crying

Anti's Perspective
I look over at my phone. Who in the fuck is calling me? I pick up and hear a bunch of voices then someone tells them to shut up.

"Hello?" The voices rise again but are immediately shushed.

"Hello, Anti." I click the end call button. Bitch. Nothing good comes from that fucker. I go into the kitchen ignoring my ringing phone. I calmly finish off my bowl or raspberries and sigh as I stare out the window. My phone eventually stops ringing. Good. Then I hear a soft ding. I roll my eyes and glance over at it.

'Anti, it's about the other Septics.'

I groan with frustration. Of course, it is. I call him.

"What?" I say as I hear him pick up.

"There is an issue with the other Septics." I roll my eyes.

"You said that. Now, what is it?" Dark goes quiet for a moment.

"Just come over here and see for yourself." I laugh loudly.

"No thanks. Either you can tell me and I might come or you won't see me at all." Dark sighs, I can tell he's frustrated. Good.

"They're children Anti." I blink and say nothing.

"They're what." Dark sighs softly into the mic.

"There was an accident during one of Marvin's spells and now they're all kids. I do not want to be assigned to take care of them." I rub my temples. Of course one of Marvin's spells went awry.

"Then why don't you get Séan to do it?" I don't wanna take care of the little shits either.

"Séan is also a child." I sigh deeply as I refrain from stabbing something. I twitch.

"Alright." I breathe into the mic.

"I'll be there soon." Dark thanks me and I end the call. When they're adults again I'll fucking kill them. They owe me big time for this bullshit.

At the manor~

I open the door without knocking. Dark greets me.

"How long?" I growl.

"Until Host and Google can figure out how to undo the spell." I nod.

"Right." I look around.

"Where are the tiny bastards?" Dark sighs and leads me to a room upstairs. Host and Google are inside  No children.

"Host. Google. Where are the kids?" Google chimes.

"At the Septic house, they are under the watch of Mark and Amy at this time." Dark sighs softly and looks back at me.

"There's your answer." I shake my head as I walk out and leave.

At the Septic place~

I walk up to the house and find Amy and Mark leaving. Mark eyes me with distaste as Amy smiles and greets me.

"Hi Anti, Google let us know you were on your way. Call us if you need anything okay?" I hum with a nod and Mark continues to say nothing to me. Amy glances over at Mark, then me.

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