#6 - Anti + Midnight

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In case you skipped number 3 or forgot the name of the lovely kitties mentioned, refer back there to understand who Midnight is, or keep reading, it's your decision. Anyway, I'm going to have this be how Anti met Midnight.

Anti's Perspective
Staring up at the sky, rain soaks my clothing. I figured this day would happen. They'd get tired of me being there and make me leave. Good thing I've been preparing for this. I readjust the backpack on my shoulders and let out a soft sigh. It's whatever. My feet splash up water on the sidewalk as I start my trek. That old house I found in the woods is gonna come in handy. Good thing I've been fixing up that son of a bitch for years now.

After a bit of walking, I've reached the woods. I go down the hard to see trail and continue making my way. I can't tell if the water dripping down my face is just rain or if I've started crying and they're mixed now. I prefer the former.

I cringe at the sound of a sharp ring of yowls. What the fuck? I follow the sound and am soon met by the sight of a cat fighting some coyote type thing. I slam my fist into the tree neck to me, listening to the sickening crack of the wood. The coyote runs off as if it's been shot. The cat, however, stands its ground. I sit down in the wet grass and stare at the battered thing.

"You want me to patch you up?" My voice is soft but loud enough for the cat to hear over the rain. I'm met with a hesitant meow. I wait and eventually the cat is right beside me. I look up at the sky, then back down to the cat.

"Here, I'll take you back to my new place. We'll get you patched up, recovered, then you can run off to wherever it was you were before. Unless you wanna stay. Either way, I don't mind, I'll take care of you." I receive a pitiful meow. I should hurry. I teleport us the rest of the way and get the sad thing to the bathroom. I spend a hell of a long time tending to the battered cat. I sterilize all the wounds, getting a few scratches and bites myself, patch every open wound up, trim the fur so it's easier to tend to the wounds themselves, dry her up, found out they're a she, and get her some food after getting 'er comfortable in the living room.

"Feeling better." I get a soft little purr and smile to myself. I'm glad I don't mess everything up. I spend the rest of the night tending to her and other things. I've got a lot to work on.

Author's Note
That was a tad bit sad? Depends on how you think about it. Either way, it's over! Wow! I finished something! Hah, anyway, I love you all. Thank you so much for the support; stay spooky,

~NightShade <3

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