#1 - Child!Anti Pt. 3

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This is the last part I swear.

Warning/s: Mentions of bullying, a hostile Darkiplier, someone getting slapped (not Anti)

The following day~

Third Person Perspective
As the day gets started, the Septic family enjoys a nice breakfast with each other, chatting about the events and yesterday and more. It was a lively event and the energy stayed as they all got ready to head over to the Iplier Manor. Well, most. Henrick had to go back to work. Jackie got called for a emergency after breakfast, but he said he be back eventually. And he was. Showing up just as everyone was getting in the car. The drive over was smooth, listening to music. Anti was honestly quite nervous though. He couldn't get the thought of Dark trying to hurt Séan out of his mind. Anti didn't want anyone to hurt the people he cared about.

Once they got there, they were greeted by the people they were going to be with. Like JB, he was going to share some stories about his adventures with Eric. Marvin went to go greet Host, and they talked, Marvin disappearing into Host's office after they were done. JJ greeted Wilford with a bright smile as the two chatted and had a fun time. Eventually, JJ went into Wilford recording area. Edward was on the job with Henrick today, which is what Google conveyed to Chase as he and Bing all got together. Séan stayed with Anti and ended up going inside to the living room. Peeled off from their groups, Bing, Wilford, and Host all came to hear about Anti's little adventure.

Séan's Perspective
"So tell me good boy! How did you fair out there in the jungle!" Anti giggles as he starts telling his little story on the event. After a while, he takes his little backpack and opens it. Anti pulls out the tub of raspberries he had gotten before. He takes out three and gives one to Host, Wilford, and Bing. He also gives another to me and himself. Then he sets the tub with the single raspberry back inside his bag. Wilford punches air.

"Ah! A sour punch! It's nice to get a kicker flavour every once in a while." Anti giggles at that, Host says nothing, but thanks Anti for the small treat. Bing comments on how it was really weird to have that go through his systems, but it was also really cool. Anti enjoys his little raspberry, as do I. Still sour, but somehow sweet at the same time. Anti hops up onto the couch and jumps on Wilford shoulder, getting a deep laugh from the man.

"I went into a cave with a lot of bats Wilford!" Wilford laughed even louder.

"Do tell me more good boy!" Anti balances himself on Wilford's shoulders.

"I was looking for shelter from the storm and that cave I told you about had millions of bats inside of it!" I let out a small chuckle.

"A million?!" Anti falls into giggles.

"Yes!" I glanced over seeing Host with a soft smile and Bing grinning.

"And even better. There were no bears!" Wilford stood up holding Anti carefully.

"No bears?! Why you got lucky kid!" Anti cheered with him as they paraded around the room. After the celebration everyone settles down again, Anti sitting beside me. Just as we're about to start talking again, the energy in the room shifts completely. Silence is present and tension is immense. Dark steps down the stairs in a solid and dignified manner. Anti moves slightly closer to me and I watch the other three straighten themselves out. Well, Wilford just shifts and moves. Dark steps into the room and immediately notices Anti and I.

"Ah, so this is why Wilford was laughing so much." Anti just stares at him, as do I. No one really says anything.

"Hey there Darky! How's that paperwork going?" Dark turns to Wilford.

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