#3 - Anti 🎄

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Yo yo, depending on when you see this, and I'm assuming it'll be November, it's not close to Christmas yet. Will that stop me from putting this out? No. Do I care that it is not close to Christmas yet? No. Anyway, enjoy this little bit.

Info: This will include, dark magic, Anti and Marvin, I don't know their ship name, but I like the idea of calling it dark magic.

Warnings/s: Crying, just a tad bit sad at one point, but it gets better.

Anti's Perspective
Ah, Christmas. I pull the mug out of the microwave and set it down. A time for holiday cheer, hot chocolate, selflessness, and family and/or friends. Damn and all I've got is hot chocolate. Oh well. I'm vibing. I sigh softly before taking a drink. To the back porch. I step out back and lean against the railing as I stare at the falling snow. The trees are all barren, only covered by a light layer of snow.

I feel a light pressure on my shoulder and find Midnight sitting on my shoulder. I smile and gently run my hand down her spine. Midnight purrs softly, leaning into the touch. Then I sit down on the chair I have, letting Midnight rest in my lap. I drink my hot chocolate until it's gone as I absentmindedly stroke Midnight's fur.

"At least I've got you to keep my company." Midnight purrs loudly and I smile slightly.

"Where's your sibling? Aren't you usually with them?" I had seen Midnight's sibling only once before, a lovely white colour. You could tell they were siblings by the markings they shared. With the tips of their tails being the colour of the other. Midnight softly meows at me and then settles back down. I hum. Interesting. After a bit I watch the snow shift. What- a cat pops out of the snow and up onto my porch. Then it shakes off the snow before hopping up onto my lap, curling up with Midnight.

"Interesting," I say softly. I pet them both and hear a harmony of soft purrs. Lovely. I sit here a while, lost in thought once more. I close my eyes at one point and settle into a comfortable state of daydreaming.

At an unknown point later I am startled back into reality by a voice speaking to me.

"Hey there." I jolt ever so slightly as I open my eyes, turning to my side. Marvin stares at me as he gives me a small wave. I take a moment before I finally say something.

"Hi." Marvin gives me a weak smile as he turns his gaze to the snowy forest edge.

"I was wondering where Luna had run off to." The white cat gives a soft meow.

"You take care of Midnight's sibling?" Marvin glances back at me.

"Sibling?" I nod and turn my attention to the black cat staring up at me.

"This one." I scratch under her chin and smile as she purrs.

"I had no idea Luna has a sibling. She's never really run off before." I shrug lightly.

"It's Christmas, and seeming that they're sisters, I understand why they'd spend it with each other. Usually, Midnight runs off to go see Luna herself though." Marvin hums softly, giving Luna some attention. We fall into a bout of silence.

"So, how are the others?" I ask, gaze still focused on the falling snow.

"They're alright. Just drinking a lot of spiked eggnog with the Ipliers." I hum softly.

"Why didn't you join us?" I scoff with a smile.

"Never got an invite, didn't know it was happening." Marvin makes a displeased sound.

"So you're just celebrating alone?"

"As per usual, yes." Marvin crosses his arms as he crosses his leg over the other. We stay in silence for a bit.

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