Chapter 1: Arrival

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Just above the earth, outer space is all quiet. Just then, a time portal opens up, and the Gummi ship flies through it. Inside, Sora and his friends are all sitting down on their seats. They see the earth below them. 

Sora: Did we make it? Are we in the past?

Donald: Yep, we are. May 12, 1984. 

Kairi: I hope Kyle made it here too. But how do we find him? The city is so huge, and there's people everywhere. And we don't know where in Los Angeles he teleported too. 

Riku: Well, don't forget. We still remember his face, right? 

Goofy: Yeah. When we see his face, we'll recognize him. 

Namine: I just hope we're not too late. 

Roxas: Yeah. Come on, let's down on down there, and find him. 

They all get up from their seats, and run for the next room for departure. 

Los Angeles, 1984. 1:52 a.m. 

A yellow garbage truck is seen on the scene, lifting up a dumpster to empty it. A garbage man smoking a cigar is driving the truck and is about to dump the garbage into the truck. Just then, his truck's engine dies. He gets confused at this, and tries to turn it back on.

Man: What the heck? Goshdang son of a gun...(Mumbling)

Then, the wind starts blowing hard, blowing away the trash on the ground by the truck. And blue electricity starts appearing all around beside the truck. The garbage man looks as the wind blows his hat off. A whooshing noise is heard as a bright light shines. The garbage man is shocked of seeing this. He sees something in the light. 

Man: What the heck?

The blue electricity disappears as steam and smoke appears around the two figures kneeling down on the ground. The garbage man gets out of his truck, and runs off. The smoke clears off, revealing the two figures. It's the Terminator, and Robotic Knight. They both stand up, and open their eyes. They both look around, and see they're not in the future anymore, but in the past. They both walk over to the ledge to look at the view of the city. 

Robotic Knight: Excellent. We are here. (Looks at the Terminator) First things first, we've gotta get you some clothes. 

The Terminator nods, and scans the area. He spots three men over at a telescope by a gate. They both walk over to them. Robotic Knight then disguises himself as a man wearing a suit. One of the men spots them. 

Man: Hey. (Points at them) What's wrong with this picture? 

They all start laughing at the naked Terminator. They all stand away from the telescope as the two machines in disguise walk in front of them. 

Man 2: Nice night for a walk, eh?

Terminator: Nice night for a walk. 

Man: Wash day tomorrow! Nothing clean! Right?

The third man snaps his fingers in the Terminator's face as Robotic Knight just watches. 

Terminator: Nothing clean. Right. 

Man: (To Robotic Knight) Hey, buddy. I think your friend here is a couple cans short of a six-pack. 

Robotic Knight: Actually, he only wants one thing from you. 

Terminator: Your clothes. Give them to me. Now. 

Man: (Takes out a knife) Crud you, buttholes!

The other two men take out their knifes too. The Terminator doesn't scared, and Robotic Knight looks amused. 

Robotic Knight: Now boys, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. 

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