Chapter 5: Car chase

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With the machines. they're driving in the police car, looking around for the heroes and Sarah. Just then, they hear police chatter on the radio. 

Dispatcher: All units. All units. Gray Ford and El Camino suspect vehicles have been found in a parking structure at 4th and Beaudry...

They both hear this, and turn the car around. They speed for the direction of the parking garage. Back at the garage, the police cars are all over the garage, looking for the heroes, Kyle, and Sarah. They can't see them anywhere. The group are hiding behind vehicles from the view of the cops. They all look around for new vehicles to ride in. Kyle finds a Cadillac, and Goofy finds a yellow car. Kyle unlocks the door, and he, Sarah, Sora, Kairi, and Riku get in while the others get in the other car. Everyone keeps their heads down as the police shine lights on the cars. Sarah sighs.

Sarah: (Softly) Guys. Why me? Why do they want me?

Sora and his friends look at Kyle, waiting for him to tell her everything. He thinks for a moment, and looks at her.

Kyle: There was a nuclear war. A few years from now, all this, this whole place, everything, it's gone. Just gone. There were survivors. (Reloads his shotgun) Here, there. Nobody even knew who started it. It was the machines, Sarah. 

Sarah: I don't understand.

Sora: It was also because of a new computer system called Skynet. 

Kyle: Defense network computers. New, powerful, hooked into everything, trusted to run it all. They say it got smart, a new order of intelligence. Then it saw all people as a threat, not just the ones on the other side. Decided our fate in a microsecond. Extermination. 

Kyle then slams the butt of his shotgun where the car key goes, and he carefully takes out the ignition slot, and takes off part of it, so he can drive the car without the key. 

Sarah: Did you all see this war?

Before he could answer, a police car approaches. Everyone ducks down from the spotlight. The car drives by them, and Kyle checks to see if it's gone. As it leaves, he looks at Sarah. 

Kyle: No. I grew up after, in the ruins, starving, hiding from HKs. 

Sarah: HKs?

Kyle: Hunter-Killers. Patrol machines built in automated factories. Sora and his friends didn't see the war either. They never even knew about it. They were all in a coma when it happened. They woke up in a different world. 

Sora and his friends knew Kyle had to keep the worlds a secret, for Sarah cannot know that yet. 

Kyle: Most of us were rounded up, put in camps for orderly disposal. (Shows her the tattoo on his arm) This is burned in by a laser scanner. 

She looks at it as she holds his arm to get a better look at it. 

Kyle: Some of us were kept alive, to work, loading bodies. The disposal units ran night and day. We were that close to going out forever. But there was one man who taught us to fight, to storm the wire of the camps, to smash those metal mothercrudders into junk. He turned it around. He brought us back from the brink. His name is Connor. John Connor. Your son, Sarah. Your unborn son. 

Sarah is shocked to hear that last part. He told her about the future, and her son. She has a son! Sora peaks from behind the back window, and sees a police car stopping behind them as Kyle tries to start the car. Sora looks at the car, and his eyes widen as he sees the two machines in the car. 

Sora: It's them! Kyle, go! Go!

Kyle: I'm trying!

The Terminator sees them in the cars, and he aims the shotgun, cocks, and fires. Everyone ducks down from the line of fire. Kyle gets the car started, and he drives away. Goofy and the others start their car, and speed off too. The Terminator keeps firing at them as it drives on the side. Kyle fires back as he drives. After driving through the garage, the two cars leave the building, and back onto the streets. 

Robotic Knight: Don't lose sight of them! Keep on them! 

The two machines continue chasing them from behind. They drive past some cars to avoid hitting them. 

Riku: (Points ahead) Kyle, there! The tunnel! Go through the tunnel! 

Kyle drives through the tunnel. The police car catches up, but Kyle hits it to the side. As the Terminator drives on the sidewalk, the heroes continue gaining more speed. But the two machines are back on the road, and then, Robotic Knight joins in, by firing at the car. Kairi screams as she keeps her head down. Sora holds her.

Riku: (Growls) I really hate those things! 

Kyle: (To Sarah) Drive! Riku, with me!

Sarah takes his place as Kyle sticks out of the window with his shotgun. Riku takes out his keyblade, and turns it into a keygun once again. They both fire back at the two machines. As the gunfire and car chase, Sarah and Sora look ahead, and they see they're about to come to a turn-off. 

Sora: Oh, crud! 

Sarah: Reese! (Shrieking) Reese! 

Kyle couldn't answer, nor does he see the turn-off ahead. He fires again, and he hits the Terminator in its left eye. Riku fires at Robotic Knight. He gets hit, and he drops his pistol onto the road. Sarah then stops the car, and Goofy does the same. The Terminator and Robotic Knight look ahead, and their car crashes into the wall, knocking over a red car. Both cars come to stops as their tires screech. Just then, the police arrive at the scene. Kyle tries to start the car, but the engine has stalled. They look at the police car to see if the machines are coming, but they don't see them coming out. The police cars stop in front of the vehicles. Kyle picks up his shotgun, preparing to fight, but Sarah stops him, along with Sora.

Sora: Kyle, no! Stop! Don't!

Sarah: No, Reese! No! No! No! They'll kill you. 

Kyle looks at them as the cops get out of the cars, pointing their weapons at the cars.

Cop: (To Kyle) You in the Cadillac! Let me see your hands now! Get out of the cars! 

Kyle and his friends sigh in defeat, and they all step out of the cars with their hands up in the air. 

Cop: Drop to your knees! 

They all drop to their knees, still having their hands up. Another cop runs up to the car, and gets Sarah out.

Cop 2: Out of the car. 

Cop: (To heroes) Drop to the ground. 

The cop checks Sarah for injuries. She then looks at the police car, and she sees the two machines are gone. Two cops go to check it out. They find the police shotgun in the car, and the passenger door is opened. They both look around, but don't see them anywhere. Looks like things just got a little harder for our heroes. Can they convince the police that they're not criminals. 

Here's the 5th chapter of Kingdom Hearts: The Terminator. What do you think of the car chase? And what do you think of Sarah reaction of her future with her son? Let me know what you all think of this chapter. Vote, review, and comment for me. Thank you.      

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