Chapter 4: Tech-Noir, and meeting Sarah Connor

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In the police station, Vukovich and Mary just received a call from Sarah. Ed comes in. 

Vukovich: It's her. (Hands him the phone) 

Ed: (Talks on the phone) Sarah Connor? It's Lieutenant Traxler.

Sarah on phone: Look, Lieutenant. Don't put me on hold. And don't transfer me to another department! 

Ed: Don't worry. I won't. Now, just relax. (Motions Vukovich to give him a pen) Can you tell me where you are. 

Sarah on phone: I'm in this bar called Tech-Noir. 

Ed: (Writes it down) Yeah, I know it. It's on Pico. Are you all right? 

Sarah on phone: Yeah, but I don't want to leave. I think there's a guy following me. 

Ed: All right. Now, listen, Ms. Connor, now listen carefully. You're in a public place, so you'll be safe till we get there. But stay visible. Don't go outside or even near the restroom. I'll have a car there in a hot minute. 

Sarah on phone: Okay.

She hangs up. Ed hangs up the phone too as his partners look at him. Just then, a police officer comes into the room.

Police officer: Lieutenant, we've got a situation. 

Ed: What is it?

Police officer: At Sarah Connor's apartment, there's been a call of gunfire over there. 

Mary: Oh, gosh. (Looks at Ed) I'll go check it out. Just go get her. 

Mary runs out of the room to head over to Sarah's apartment. Meanwhile, at Tech-Noir, the two machines just arrived there. They walk through the door, and walk through some people. They see people dancing to the music, "Burning of the third degree". They both know for a fact that she's in there with those people. They begin to walk further into the room, walking past a bodyguard. Just then, a woman comes up to the bodyguard.

Woman: Hey, those two guys didn't pay! 

The bodyguard walks up, and grabs the Terminator's shoulder to stop him. The Terminator then grabs his hand, and crushes it. The bodyguard groans in pain as he falls on the floor. The woman is in shocked at this, and kneels down to check on him. The two machines walk in further into the bar, looking around for Sarah. With Sarah, she's sitting at a table, just waiting for the police to arrive. She accidentally knocks down a cup, and she ducks down to pick it up, and just in time as the two machines are in view, but they don't see her yet as they walk by. Sarah gets back up as she puts the cup back on the table. She looks around, and she suddenly spots Kyle and the heroes' faces on a mirror as they're sitting on chairs. They all look at the mirror, as if she thinks they're looking right at her. She gets uneasy, and looks around. The music continues and people keep dancing. The two machines turn around, and they suddenly spot her. They both walk towards her as they walk past the dancers. Sarah sees them.

Robotic Knight: Sarah Connor? 

Sarah: Yeah...?

Kyle and the heroes see this.

Sora: (Whispers) Wait, who's that guy with the Terminator? 

Riku: (Whispers) That must be Maleficent's machine monster. It must have turned itself into that man. 

They all go into action as they take out their weapons. Robotic Knight smirks at Sarah as the Terminator pulls out his pistol, and cocks it. 

Robotic Knight: Your future has been cancelled. 

The Terminator aims the laser sight at her forehead as she watches in shock. Kyle, Sora, and Riku push people out of the way of fire. They aim their weapons, and fire at the machines before the Terminator could fire at Sarah. Sarah falls down on the floor, landing on her back. The two machines turn around as the heroes continue shooting at them. The Terminator drops his weapon as they both fall down on the floor. Everyone in the room scream and panic and run in fear. Robotic Knight groans, but sits up.

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