Chapter 6: Police interrogation

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Back at the police station, Sarah is sitting down on a chair, crying and sniffing. Mary is in the room with her. She just told her about what has happened in her apartment. They've found Ginger and Matt's bodies. Sarah is taking the news hard, but she doesn't want to believe it. Just then, Ed, Vukovich, and another man comes into the room. Ed is holding a cup of water. 

Ed: (Gently) Sarah? Sarah, try to drink some of this. (Hands her the cup)

Sarah: (Sniffing) Listen, are you sure it's them? I mean, maybe I should look at the bodies, or...

Ed: No, they've been identified, and there's no doubt. 

Mary: It's true, Sarah. I saw the bodies myself. Matt was completely beaten to death, and Ginger...well...she was shot...several times in the back. 

Sarah: (Sobbing) Gosh...Ginger! Kiddo.

Mary: Sarah, we're so sorry. We really are. 

Ed: Sarah. (Points at the man) Sarah, this is Dr. Silberman. 

Silberman: Hi, Sarah. 

Ed: I want you to tell him everything that Reese and his friends told you. Do you feel up to that?

Sarah: Yeah, I guess so. (Looks at Silberman) You're a doctor?

Silberman: (Nods, yawns) Criminal psychologist. 

Sarah: Is Reese and his friends crazy?

Silberman: Well, that's what we're going to find out. 

Mary: And after you're done telling him, we'll talk to him. Silberman, you talk to Reese. I'll go talk to his friends. 

Meanwhile, with the machines, they're both hiding out in a hotel apartment. The Terminator climbs into his room from the window. Robotic Knight sees his left eye is really messed up. And he also has bullet holes in his jacket and shirt. Robotic Knight goes to his room. He turns on his light, and looks at the mirror. He sees his right arm is messed up. 

Robotic Knight: (Growls) Stupid humans shot me. (Grunts) Now I gotta get this arm fixed. 

Robotic Knight melts away his arm skin to reveal his machine arm. He sees parts of his arm is sparking. He takes out a tool kit to get it fix. Back at the station, Mary is talking to Sora and his friends, who are sitting down. Sora and his friends need to tell her everything, but have to leave out the heartless and the other worlds.  

Mary: So, you're all warriors, except for Namine. Fighting who?

Sora: We're warriors fighting the machines. Under General John Connor, from '23 to '29. 

Mary: And that's the year 2029? 

Riku: Yes. We've been fighting for him for a long time. Reese came into his unit from 2018. And he's been working for him every since. 

Mary: Who was the enemy in the future?

Roxas: It's called Skynet, a computer defense system. It was built for the military, supposed to protect us, but it didn't. It did the other thing. Extermination for humanity. Cyberdyne Systems was the creator of Skynet. 

Mary: I see. So Skynet believes it can finally win by killing the mother of its enemy. Killing him, in effect, before he's even born. A sort of killing two birds with a stone? 

Namine: Yes. That's right.

Mary: Well, then, why didn't Skynet just kill John Connor in the future? Why this whole time traveling plan with the Terminator and this other machine?

Sora: Because, Skynet had no other choice. Its defense grid was smashed. And so was Skynet's central core. We won the war. Even if it did kill John then, it still wouldn't make any difference. Without him, we would still fight, no matter what. 

Donald: So Skynet needed to wipe out John's entire existence. His birth, his childhood, teenage life, and adulthood. Everything. And it knew the only way to do that, is by sending the Terminator through time, and to kill Sarah. 

Riku: Without Sarah, John would never be born. And without John, there won't be a resistance to challenge the machines. With this one act, Skynet will finally win.  

Mary: And that's when you all and Reese found the...time machine?

Kairi: Skynet called it the time displacement chamber, but yeah, it was a time machine. 

Goofy: But by the time we got in there, we were too late. The Terminator and the other machine already went through time. So John sent us and Reese to intercept them, and John and the others blew the whole place up. 

Mary: But then, how are you all supposed to get back?

Sora: (Sighs) We can't. John warned us it would be a one-way trip, but we knew the risk. And knew what we're gonna face. Nobody goes back home. And nobody else comes through. It's just the machines, and us. 

At the hotel, Robotic Knight repairing his arm. He looks at it with new parts. He goes to check on the Terminator. He comes in, and sees it cutting out its bad eye out with a knife. He also sees it has bandages on his right hand and arm. He drops the bad eye into the sink. And wipes away the blood with a towel. He puts the towel down, to reveal its red eye and machine parts. Its eye whirls around. 

Robotic Knight: You might want to hide that. 

The Terminator then picks up sunglasses, and puts them on. He sees the glasses hides its red eye. The Terminator then puts on new clothes and jacket. He lifts his mattress to reveal its machine gun and shotgun. Robotic Knight comes back down with its weapons. He looks at the Terminator.

Robotic Knight: They're at the West Highland police station. Let's go. 

The Terminator nods as it cocks its weapons ready. It climbs out the window, and follows Robotic Knight down the fire escape to head for the police station to finish their mission. Can the heroes and Kyle find a way to get out of the station with Sarah before the machines get there?

Here is the sixth chapter of Kingdom Hearts: The Terminator. The heroes get interrogate by the police, and they told them everything about the future. What do you think will happen in the next chapter? Find out. Vote, review, and comment for me. Thank you.    

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