Chapter 8: More answers

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The two vehicles continue driving down the road, far away from the police station. Roxas looks behind to see if the machines are chasing after them, but he doesn't see them. Everyone is still shocked of the deaths of police officers in the station. As they drive, someone talks on the radio. 

Radio announcer: KFLB News time, 4:36. In the top story of the hour, the largest single law enforcement mobilization in California history is currently underway. Police in five southern counties are engaged in a massive manhunt for an...

As the announcer talks, the engines in the cars sputter. Everyone looks at the gas gauges, and see they're both on E, meaning they're out of gas. The cars pull over to the side. Everyone gets out of the cars. Kyle goes to the back of the car, and opens the trunk. He takes out a first-aid kit and hands it to Sarah. And then gives her a flashlight. 

Kyle: Alright, let's get these off the road. 

They all push the car and truck off the road, and into the woods. Everyone then follows Kyle into the other side of the woods. They find a tunnel that leads into a storm drain. Kyle looks around, and sees no one in it. Everyone sits down to rest. Roxas stays by Namine to keep her warm. Sarah is sitting against the wall, shivering. Kyle notices this. 

Kyle: You cold? 

Sarah: Freezing. 

Kyle walks over to her. He sits by her, and holds her close to keep her warm. 

Sarah: Reese, you got a first name?

Sora: You didn't hear us say his name?

Sarah: I got too shocked and spooked to remember it. 

Kyle: Kyle. 

Sarah: Kyle. What's it like when you go through time? 

Kyle: White light. Pain. It's like being born, maybe. 

Sarah: (Sees blood on her hand) Oh, my gosh! 

Kyle: (Looks at his arm) I caught one back there. 

Sarah: (Looks at him) You mean, you got shot?

Sora: He's not the only one. (Groans, shows his wound on his hand)

Kairi: (Gasps) Sora!

Riku: They both got shot?

Donald: (Looks at Sora's wound) No, it just gazed him, but it's still bleeding. 

Sora: But look how deep it is. (Looks at Kyle) Kyle, what about you?

Kyle: It's not bad. 

Sarah: Well, we gotta get you both to a doctor!

Sora: No, Sarah. We can't risk that. 

Kyle: He's right. That's okay. Forget it. 

Sarah: What do you mean, forget it? Are you crazy? (Looks at Namine) Namine, give me the first-aid kit. (To Kyle) Take this off.

Kyle then takes off his jacket as Namine walks over to Sarah and hands her the kit. She opens it, and looks at the wound. 

Sarah: Jeez!

Kyle: See? It passed right through the meat. 

Sarah: Oh, this is gonna make me puke. Would you just talk about something? 

Kyle: What?

Sarah: I don't know. Anything. Just talk. Tell me about my son. 

Kyle: He's about my height. (Hisses as he feels a sting, and looks at Sarah) He has your eyes. 

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