Chapter 11: Ending

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In a hospital, the heroes are all sleeping peacefully after what they went through. Luckily, Goofy has a lot of money to pay for the hospital bills, thanks to the Heartless they encounter from the Jumanji world and the future. One by one, the whole team begin to wake up. Sora looks around, and he sees they're in a hospital room. He sighs as he lays his head down on the pillow. Just then, someone comes into the room. Sora looks, and sees Mary. She walks in the room as she closes the door. 

Mary: Hello, Sora. 

Sora: Hello, Detective. 

Mary: Judging from this state they've found you all, the two machines are gone.

Sora: Yes, we've done it. They're both destroyed. But...

Mary: Reese was lost. I know. I saw the body. 

Sora: What about Sarah? Is she okay?

Mary: Yeah, she's fine. She just woke up a few minutes ago. 

Sora: Can we see her?

Mary: Sure. 

The heroes get off the beds, and follow Mary out of the room to go to Sarah's room. She opens the door, and they all see Sarah sitting on the bed. She looks at the door, and smiles as she sees her friends. They smile back at her. Mary leaves the room to give them some time alone. 

Kairi: Sarah, you okay?

Sarah: I'm fine. (Sniffs, frowns sadly) But Kyle...

Everyone knows how she feels. They all mourn the death of Kyle. Sora and Kairi sit on another bed by Sarah, and they shed tears.

Sora: I can't believe he's gone.

Kairi: (Hugs him) Sora, there wasn't anything more you could have done for him. 

Riku: Yeah. We all took a risk when we joined this mission. He knew that.  

Goofy: What now, Sora?

Sora: (Sighs) Well, I guess we'd be going now. Our mission here is done. The Terminator has been destroyed, along with Robotic Knight. 

Sarah: (Looks at them) Can't you all just stay with me for a few weeks? I need some friends right now to keep me company. 

Kairi looks at her, and at Sora. He smiles sadly and nods. They all agree to stay with Sarah for a few weeks until they're ready to leave. Meanwhile, at the castle of Dark Illusions, Maleficent is fuming. 

Maleficent: (Shouts) CURSES!!!! Machine King, your monster failed! 

Machine King: Please forgive me, my mistress. It won't happen again. 

Maleficent: Silence! I need some time alone right now. 

Machine King nods, and bows to her. He walks away from the throne room. Fear is crying at her mother's rage. Maleficent sees that she just scared her daughter, and she picks her up to calm her down. She holds her close to her chest as she sits down on her throne. 

Maleficent: One day, Sora, you and your friends will fall to my darkness. 

Back with the heroes, the few weeks went by, and now they're back on the Gummi Ship. They said goodbye to Sarah. And they promise to see her again someday with her son, John. On the Gummi Ship, Sora puts up on a memorial on the wall for the friends they lost on their adventures. Sora craves Kyle's name on it. He looks at it, and frowns. Then, he walks to the pilot seat. He sits down. 

Sora: (Sighs) Another adventure completed, but lost a friend....

His friends look at him, and they comfort him. Just then, Chip and Dale appear on the screen. Everyone looks.

Chip: Sora, everyone, thank goodness you're back! 

Dale: Did everything go well?

Sora: No, it didn't. 

Dale: Why?

Sora: Kyle's dead.

Chip: What?

Riku: Kyle's dead. The Terminator got him. 

Chip: Oh, no! What about Sarah Connor?

Roxas: She's alive and well. And she's now pregnant with John. 

Dale: And the Terminator and the machine monster?

Donald: Both destroyed. 

Chip: Ok. (Sighs) We're really sorry to hear about your friend. At least he died a hero. 

Dale: Listen, you all need to come back to Disney Castle. We told King Mickey what you all encountered in the future. And he said he needs to tell you something in person. 

Sora nods, and the screen goes static. They all start up the engines, and they fly through a time-stream back to their time. 

The end


Arnold Schwarzenegger as The Terminator

Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor

Michael Biehn as Kyle Reese

Haley Joel Osment as Sora

Hayden Panettiere as Kairi 

David Gallegher as Riku

Lance Henriksen as Vukovich 

Jesse McCarthy as Roxas

Meagham Martin as Namine

Tony Anselmo as Donald 

Bill Farmer as Goofy

Rick Rossovich as Matt

Bess Motta as Ginger

Earl Boen as Dr. Silberman

Rex Linn as Robotic Knight

Dick Miller as Gun shop clerk 

Bill Paxton as Punk 1

Brian Thompson as Punk 2

Brad Rearden as Punk 3

Marianne Muellerleile as as Sarah Ann Connor

Susanne Blakeslee as Maleficent 

Gabriel Byrne as Machine King

With Lin Shaye as Mary

And Paul Winfield as LT Ed Traxler 

Here's the ending of Kingdom Hearts: The Terminator. Another Kingdom Hearts story finished. Another one is coming. And the movie they're gonna be in is one of my favorites with my main favorite actor of all-time. Tommy Lee Jones. Guess the movie. Let me know what you all think of the ending of the story. Vote, review, and comment for me, please. Thank you.    

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