Chapter 9: Settling in, and preparing

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At the machines' hideout, they're both sitting on the Terminator's bed, looking at Sarah's journal. They're looking at it, looking for more answers to get to Sarah. On the Terminator's face, two flies are on it. As they look at it, someone is knocking the door. 

Man: Hey, buddy! You got a dead cat in there or what?

The two machines look at the door. The Terminator responses back.

Terminator: Crud you, butthole. 

Robotic Knight hears the man leaving. They both look at the journal again. As the Terminator turns the page, they find something on it. "Mom's cabin, Big Bear 555-9861, 181 Spruce Lane." They both get up from the bed, and walk out of the room together, with their weapons. They walk by a man, who looks shocked to see two armed men in the hotel. Back with the heroes, they get dropped off in a motel by a truck driver. 

Sarah: (To Driver) Thank you.

They all walk to the office of the motel. Kyle takes out some money in his pocket and shows them to Sarah. 

Kyle: Uh, is this enough? 

Sarah: (Looks at it, and puts his hand down) Yeah, it's enough. I don't want to ask where you got it. 

They walk to the office. A dog is sitting down outside. Kyle, Namine, and Goofy walks to it, and pets it. It licks Kyle's hand as Sarah talks to the manager. She knocks on the glass. 

Manager: I'm coming. 

Sarah: We need some rooms. 

Manager: All right. 

Kyle: With kitchens.

Sarah: Do you have some with kitchens?

The managers give them keys to their rooms. They all go to their rooms. Sarah stays with Kyle. Sora stays with Kairi. Roxas stays with Namine. Riku gets his own room. And Goofy stays with Donald. With Sora and Kairi, they walk into their room. Kairi sits down on the bed and sighs. 

Kairi: Man, I really miss beds. 

Sora: Me too. 

Kyle outside: (Knocks on door) Sora, I need you, Roxas, Riku, and Goofy to come with me. We need to get supplies. 

Sora: Alright. I'm coming. 

Sora kisses Kairi on the cheek. She smiles at him, and he smiles back. He walks out of the room. He, Kyle, Roxas, Riku, and Goofy walk down the sidewalk, heading for the store. They all look around, but don't see the machines anywhere yet. They continue walking for the store. Meanwhile, with the machines, they've found the cabin. They've killed Sarah's mother, and now, the Terminator is using her mother's voice to talk to her. 

Sarah on phone: No, I can't tell you where I am, mom. I was told not to say. 

Terminator: (In mother's voice) Oh, but honey, I need to know where I can reach you. You tell me to hide out up here at the cabin like some fugitive, and you won't tell me what's going on? I am worried sick, dear! 

Sarah on phone: Okay. Okay, here's the number. Are you ready? 

Terminator: (In mother's voice) Yes. Go ahead. 

Sarah on phone: It's 408-555-1439. Room 9.

Terminator: (In mother's voice) Uh-huh. 

Sarah on phone: Got it?

Terminator: (In mother's voice) Uh-huh. I've got it. 

Sarah on phone: Okay, I gotta go. I'm sorry I can't tell you more right now. I love you, mom.

Terminator: (In mother's voice) I love you too, sweetheart. 

He hangs up the phone. He picks it up, and dials the motel number. 

Man on phone: Tiki Motel.

Terminator: (In normal voice) Give me your address there.

Back with the heroes, Sora, Kyle, Roxas, Riku, and Goofy came back from the store. Kyle and Sora set down the bags of supplies. Kyle rips open one, and supplies fall on the table.

Sarah: What have we got? (Looks at the supplies) Mothballs. Corn syrup. (Scoffs) Ammonia. What's for dinner?

Kyle: Plastique.

Sarah: Mmm, that sounds good. What is it?

Kyle: Nitroglycerin, basically. It's a bit more stable. I learned to make it when I was a kid. 

Sora: Basically, he's saying we're making...explosives. We know bullets can't hurt these things, but maybe explosives can. 

Roxas: But first, we're gonna need them to show their true forms. And hopefully, we can take them both down with the explosives. 

Riku: Yeah. We're gonna need more time to make them though. Time we might not have right now. 

They all get to work on making the explosives. It is nighttime, and the machines are riding on their motorcycles, riding for the motel. The heroes have finish making the explosives. And they're all resting. Sora and Kairi are laying down on their bed, but they're still awake. Kairi is laying on Sora's chest, and he holds her close. 

Kairi: They'll find us, won't they?

Sora: Probably. We know what the Terminators are programmed to do. 

Kairi: (Sighs) It'll never be over, will it?

Sora: Evil never gives up. (Sighs, looks out the window)

Kairi: (Looks at him) Sora? What is it?

Sora: I've been having these weird dreams lately during the mission. 

Kairi: Dreams?

Sora: Yeah. One dreams, was about us, dying fighting against the machines...But the other...

Kairi: Sora...

Sora: Maleficent said she has a big army of other monsters besides the Heartless and machine monsters. And then...the strangest things happened. Her army came in to finish me off, but something stopped them. A bright light appeared out of nowhere, and shot magic at them. And they all disappeared. And then, someone was in the light, and he talked to me. He said they'll be there to help us fight against these monsters.

Kairi: Sora, sometimes your dreams can be true. I think they're telling you about the more danger that we'll face soon. You know they can help you. 

Sora: (Looks at her) I know. Kairi, every time something goes wrong, I'm always scared of something will happen to you. 

Kairi: (Strokes his cheek) Sora, that's supposed to be me who gets worried. When you lost your heart to save me, I got so scared and upset that I lost you forever. But when you came back, I was so happy. (Smiles as tears come out of her eyes)

Sora smiles back at her. He wipes away her tears.

Sora: I love you so much, Kairi. I loved you ever since the first time I saw you. 

Kairi: And I love you too, Sora. 

They both kiss each other on the face. They hug each other as they kiss. As they kiss, their hearts connect more. They hold hands. 

Here's the ninth chapter of Kingdom Hearts: The Terminator. Only two more chapters left before the story is done. Let me know what you all think of the chapter. Vote, review, and comment. Thank you.             

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