Chapter 13: Debt

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Hopes P.O.V

After the whole dilemma with Josie I decided to give her some space. Just a tiny fraction of space. Enough to know that I'm there but I'm not there. It's not stalkerish or anything of course. What I meant was I'll leave her be but if she ever needed it I was a phone call away.

For the moment I decided to pay visit to her dads restaurant. It was small but comfortable. The place was finally cleaned up and organized but there wasn't a signal customer. I sat down and ordered my food while Alaric took my order. Once it was done he brought it over and sat down infront of me.

It was a simple omelette. It looked pretty good not burned. I cut a small piece and placed it in my mouth. It wasn't horrible, I didn't want to spit it back out. But it was missing something. At least it was edible right? 

"It's not that good is it" Alaric finally spoke up.

"It's not that it isn't good. It's just... it needs a bit more flavor" I kindly told the man. I took another bite of the food. Even if it was bland I was determined to finish it. I didn't scowl or make any facial expression to give off any indication I was struggling to eat it. I just kept calm and focused on Alaric.

"Thank you for what you did the other day hope" he let his head drop and rubbed the back of his head in shame. I let out a sigh.

"don't thank me. You were kind to me" I simply stated.

"So you paid 30 thousand dollars because I was kind to you" he raised his head narrowing his eyes.

"Since I was a kid everyone saw me as a disappointment. My family and I weren't well off, you know that. They always wanted what was best for me so they worked really hard to give me everything I ever wanted. I took it for granted. But when I became friends with Josie, your home became my second home. You took care of me when my parents worked. You let me spend the nights when I was feeling sad or lonely. You never once looked down on me. Even when I got horrible grades. You just told me to do things on my own pace." I grabbed the coffee that was on the table and took a few sips.

"I missed you around. Missed the free help around the restaurant" he chuckled a bit.

"When Josie left i felt as though my time here had expired. I felt like that everywhere. Being in those places without her felt empty. Not the same. It brought me pain because I would remember those times with her. I felt that maybe you only put up with me because I was your daughters friend. But you never once stopped caring. You would constantly check up to see how I was doing. Even when my parents died, you made sure I was eating properly, and sleeping, but most importantly you made sure I was okay. You took care of me. So this" I gesture to the whole restaurant. "This is worth more to me then any amount of money in the world. I would pay more if it meant seeing a smile of josies face"

Alaric and I talked for the remainder of my lunch time. The whole time was met with laughter and stupid jokes. I almost didn't remember the last time I laughed so hard water came out my nose. Alaric and I even did a cooking competition, and if he made food the way he made my omelette earlier I had this in the bag. It really did feel like old time.

"So you and my baby girl, are you two... you know... finally together together" Alaric tried to figure out the best possible way to bring up his daughters love life. It was funny how he struggled.

"Yes, actually today marks our 2 weeks anniversary" I laugh putting my glass of water in the air as if I was giving an invisible cheer to Alaric.

"I think I told you this before, but now that it's official I'll say it again... if you so much as break her heart... I'll break you" Alaric placed his hand firmly on my shoulder and tightly squeezed it. I simply nodded. "In all seriousness, why did you wait so long, and why now... not that I'm not happy. I always hoped you two would end up together"

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