Chapter 17: Thank You, Next

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Hopes P.O.V

Working use to be the only thing I ever found comfort in. It would take my mind of every little thing that tainted it. Whether it be stupid business men thinking they knew everything, or overthinking about my relationship with Josie. Work always pushed those negative thoughts away. I always handled things with great stride and focused on the things that needed to be done formulating plans in case previous ones fell. That was my enjoyment. Yet ever since that encounter with Roman a few weeks ago he finally became a man of his word.

He was determined to make me crawl back to him. He would do every little thing to inconvenience me and the Art Center I was working on. There was a time when tears were also my weapon. However to the present me, who is 24 and a C.E.O tears are incompetence and reasons are just excuses. Right now what I need is the ability to stick it out. For Josie.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard tapping on my desk. It was Penelope with a shit eating grin of her face. I had half of mine to fire the girl on the spot and wrongful termination is a lawsuit I didn't care to face.

"I didn't remember calling you into my office" I coldly told her going back to my work.

"I let myself in" she so casually pulled out the chair in front of my desk and sat down. She crossed her leg over the other and placed her interlocked hands over her knee as she leaned back a bit. She was to comfortable for my liking.

"Are we that close for you to come looking for me out of the blu?" I put my pen down and also leaning back on my chair crossing my arms.

"It's a relationship that warrants our meeting, whether it is a good relationship or not" she smirked at me.

"I have nothing to say to you. So there is no reason for me to meet you." I chuckled.

"I have something to say to you. You and Josie aren't married, right? Just dating"

"Why do I have to tell those things to you?"

"What I know is that the two of you do not have that kind of relationship. In all honesty you guys just looked like regular friends."

"It means that I don't have to say those things to you. But I'll humor you. Josie is my fiancé. As long as she wears my ring on her finger she will be my future wife." I slowly began to stand up as she did the same. She was challenging me and I never backed down for a challenge.

"You know relationships can end right. Some couples break up after a few weeks, some after a year, hell some people even leave their partner at the altar." I rush to Penelope side grabbing her by the shirt.

"Stay the hell away from Josie." I sternly spoke.

"Staying away is my decision. Her wavering, isn't that Josies decision?" She smirked unfazed by my intense glare.

"Then stopping you, is that my decision?" I didn't hesitate to punch Penelope in the face causing her to stumble backwards. "I won't let Josie waver because of someone like you ever again." Penelope looked at me dabbing the side of her thumb on her bottom lip.

"And you have the right to do that? I really hate being blocked by someone who has no right to do so. That's why I came. To let you know I no longer work for you, so we'll see what happens." Penelope gives me a sinister smile before walking out of my office.

I wanted to scream and shout and let my anger out any possible way I could. God I hated this girl more then I thought possible. I began to hyperventilate, as my chest became tight. I felt my lungs struggling to get air. I rushed to my desk to get my inhaler, but I couldn't seem to find it.

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