In The Background- Luke

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a/n: This is one I wrote on my tumblr, and wanted to include it in this group of stories. thank you guys for taking time to read these.

It had been months since you had met the boys, or more exactly they popped from the sky into Julie's garage. Thankfully, you had the same abilities as Julie and you could see them even without them playing music. You couldn't be more grateful as Alex is your brother. You were born years after he had passed and never got to grace him with your presence. 

But here you were, taking in all the good and bad parts of Sunset Curve. Including the massive crush you were harboring for Luke. But it was alarmingly clear that he had a million feelings for Julie and you were forgotten in the shadows, per usual.

You spent plenty of your days helping Alex with his rhythms on the drums, or helping write melodies in their new songs. You were doing everything to be seen but Julie was overtaking his attention and the affection you desperately wished you were receiving. 

You had started this morning with Alex, driving you up the wall because he knew something was wrong. You were one of the most outgoing people they had ever met, and now you were a shell of yourself. Just watching the interactions in the room. You just knew if you opened your mouth, you were going to fall apart.

"Alex, I am absolutely fine. Just have a lot going on, between school and the band." You insisted, but you knew he didn't believe a word coming out of your mouth. In your mind, you wanted to tell him how you felt for his best friend. But how do you tell your ghost brother that you love his ghost best friend? Doesn't exactly seem like the most logical plan.

It was something you could never share out loud, you hadn't even had the courage to talk to Julie about it and she was your best friend.

You were drawn out of your thoughts when Julie entered the studio, focusing on your saddened expression. She just gave you this side look, trying to figure out what had you so blue. You couldn't tell her how you felt for Luke, knowing she felt the same for him. It was a clear expression written all over her face in every song. She loved him, and you were just a shadow.

You had music inside of you because of this band and you couldn't even tell the band how you were feeling. That you had all these ideas for new music, harmonies, even marketing ideas as they were ghosts. But god knows, Luke wouldn't listen to what you had to say about anything. He was too caught up in everything else going on.

You just closed my lyric journal, focusing on the band's practice. Listening to some of the newer songs you helped on, making sure all the notes were hit the way the music captured. You just smiled watching your friends enjoying every moment they played together.

Something you weren't going to experience, you just felt like the outsider in this whole situation. You were never going to be good enough, not for this band and sure as hell not for Luke

You just got your things together, and headed inside Julie's. Mostly to relax and to have a moment to yourself, also to get a drink. No sooner did you make it to the fridge did Alex poof in.

"God Alex, would you stop with the poofing. I'm over it." you said, clearly annoyed at the situation. You loved your brother, and wished he was still earth side but you were fed up for the day.

"I'll stop when you tell me what the hell is up your ass. You have been acting like a shell of yourself for days. So what is bugging you so much, that you won't even talk to me" He said, clearly emotional over the situation.

You took a deep breath, trying to calm your mind before telling Alex what was going on, " I have a crush, and it is eating me alive. I hate feeling so useless and like I don't exist. There you know, can you drop it now?"

"Well who is it? Clearly they can't see how truly awesome you are sis." He said, trying to reassure that everything was going to be okay. At least eventually it was going to be okay.

"You have to promise not to laugh, I'm already embarrassed enough and I don't need you making me feel worse." you told him gently, you were the more emotional sibling. You knew the moment you told him, that everything was going to change. 

He just nodded, letting you continue, " I-I-I it's Luke, and ya, I am a nobody. Nothing is going to happen, but I can't help how I am feeling."

No sooner did you stop talking, did giggles emerge from Alex's mouth, "Is this some kind of joke?"

"No asshole this isn't some joke", you stressed to him, hot tears pooling in your eyes. You stood there stunned, you couldn't believe he was laughing at you. This is why you wanted to keep your mouth shut, you knew something like this was going to happen.

You loved Luke more than you could ever express in words, he was your world and he barely noticed you, no matter how hard you tried. 

"Alex, I-I-I love him, in more ways than I could ever express to him. But I will always be in the background. He likes Julie, and that's extremely clear to everyone" you continued, trying to get him to understand this was more than a crush. You were clearly hurting, and you wanted him to understand the pain you were feeling.

He didn't answer instead he was glancing over you shoulder, there was Luke leaning against the doorframe and he had heard every bit of your conversation.

"You aren't in the background, baby" Luke said as he approached you. As he got closer to you, Alex poofed out so you could have some time to discuss everything. 

"You weren't supposed to hear that Luke." you said sternly, clearly pissed that he was eavesdropping on your conversation. He just countered back at you,

"Too bad, I already heard it. And I'm not going to forget what you said. You aren't in the background baby. You are in the foreground, you are the inspiration in all of my music. Don't think so low of yourself" He was stepping even closer to you as he spoke such sweet words.

You just blushed, turning from him. After a few moments you finally found your voice, "But you and Julie... I can see the chemistry, everyone can" 

He just laughed, amused by the look on your face, "Baby, Julie is a good writer. But she is nothing more to me. You are the one who always holds my attention. You are the one who inspires every piece of music that comes out of me. You are the one, not Julie, not any girl."

You could feel hot tears overflowing onto your cheeks, you couldn't even begin to express how you were feeling. But overwhelmed seemed like a good word for the moment.

Before you could raise your hand to wipe your tears, you felt fingertips cross your cheek. Your eyes went wide, "Luke, you just touched me."

You both stood there in amazement, the boy you loved felt the same and now he could touch you. This was turning into a weird ass day.

You could see the confusion crossing Luke's face as he tried again to touch you, and his hand didn't go through you instead it caressed your face. His face lit up as he smiled down at your short stature.

You brushed your other cheek, "What? Do I have something on my face?"

He just chuckled at you, "No love, you are just really beautiful"

He gently placed a kiss on your forehead, just taking in this moment. It was one of the most important in his life over the 25 years. The girl he was falling so deeply for, loved him with the same fire.

"This is definitely going to be an interesting little relationship" He said, still caressing your face, rubbing his thumb against your cheek.

You just smirked back, " You wouldn't have it any other way"

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