Never Have I Ever-The Band

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hey yall!! 

so the ships involve leggie and willex, and carrie's in it too so we're pretending they've all made up by now k? k

this chapter is everyone finding out luke and alex dated...tehe

you guys should let me know if you want me to do another one where julie and luke are dating and julie finds out about aluke 


tw: juke is broken up and luke cheated on her so if thats triggering then understandable and just remember its not real i repeat its NOT real

"Okay, I'll go," Julie says. "Never have I ever...kissed Luke."

She raises her hand, and so does everyone else but Willie.

"Wait..." Julie says. "Alex? Flynn? Carrie?" She looks at Luke, amused. "Explain yourselves."

"Kiss or dare sophomore year, remember?" Flynn brushes it off. "And it wasn't the best, either."

Luke gasps dramatically. "I'm a fantastic kisser, thank you very much."

"Carrie?" Reggie asks, looking at the girl.

Luke laughs nervously. "We don't need everyone to know—"

"Last year we got drunk at a party and made out for like three hours," Carrie blurts out, causing Luke to cringe.

"Last year..." Julie squints at Luke. "As in, when we were dating?"

"Whaaaaat?" Luke's voice goes high-pitched. "Nooooo!"

"Yes, as in when you were dating," Carrie deadpans. 

Julie's mouth drops open. "You kissed another girl while we were dating!?"

"I was drunk!" Luke defends.

"Why were you even at a party without me?" Julie asks. 

Everyone looks at each other. This is giving them flashbacks to when Julie and Luke were dating. 

"I dunno, you were probably studying or something boring," Luke grumbles. 

Julie clenches her teeth together. "If I could break up with you again—" 

"Moving on," Willie interjects. "I'm more interested in why Alex raised his hand."

"They don't know?" Reggie asks his boyfriend quietly.

"Know what?" Flynn asks.

"I can tell something's about to go down," says Carrie excitedly.

"It's not even a big deal," Alex says, shifting in his spot beside Alex. 

"What isn't a big deal?" asks Julie.

"Just tell them," Reggie urges. "They're our friends, they should know."

"Okay," Luke sighs, looking at Alex as he holds onto his boyfriend's hand. "Alex and know, back before we died...dated."

Everyone's silent before bursting into noise at the same moments, parading them with questions and comments and confusion.

"Guys, guys!" Alex says, getting their friends' attention. "We didn't tell you all because we didn't think it was important, and we broke up a few weeks before we died. But it didn't change anything about our friendship."

"So you guys...?" Willie looks at Luke, then his boyfriend, then Luke again. "That's...expected."

Alex and Luke look at him with wide eyes. "What?" they ask in unison.

"He's right," Flynn says. "It is kinda obvious."

"Obvious?" Alex asks. "Obvious how?"

"Well one, I wouldn't be surprised if Luke's dated everyone here," says Julie. "He apparently is totally fine with making out with anyone, so." This entices Luke sticking his tongue out at her. She returns the gesture before continuing. "And two, you both act a lot like exes. Especially when you first got here."

"Damn," Luke says. He looks at Reggie. "We weren't that obvious, were we?"

Reggie kisses his cheek sympathetically. "You kinda were."

"None of that matters now, though." Alex says, more to his boyfriend than anyone else. "We've moved on."

Willie kisses him, chuckling. "I know, I'm not worried. I was just confused at first, that's all."

"How's it feel knowing you've dated every single person in your band?" Reggie asks, like an interviewer.

Luke leans his head on Reggie's shoulder. "How's it feel knowing you're the one who's here to stay?"

Julie scrunches up her nose. "I don't know whether I wanna say 'aww' or 'eww.'"

Luke throws a pillow at her. "Just because you can't handle emotions."

Julie throws it back. "Tell that to my brokenhearted ass after you dumped me." She rolls her eyes. "Whatever. I have my eyes on someone else."

Flynn, who's been conversing quietly with Carrie (they both have short attention spans and quickly got bored of the previous conversation) perks up at Julie's words. "What? Who?"

"That new kid. Sean or whatever his name was."

Carrie scoffs. "Get in line. He's been flirting with me for a week now."

"Okay, okay," Willie interrupts. "My turn. Never have I ever..."

oop this was short tehe

but it was fun to write so i hope it was as fun to read!!

love you guys!! again ty for all the support and love it means so much



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