Roomies Pt 2

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we do be back

did yall watch madi's speech on yt😭😭had me in TEARS

anyways hope you like it and creds to @Tinacodfell for giving me some inspo for this

Julie's POV

"To the left is our very own, very impressive library," Luke gestures dramatically with his hand. "The place where students not only learn, but make sacred friendships along the way." He slings an arm around my shoulders as if we've been friends for years rather than only acquaintances for a day. "Little secret, I've never stepped foot in there."

I look up at him, pulling away from under his arm. "You've gone here for three years and you've never used the library?"

"That's right." He looks as if he prides himself on this.

I roll my eyes, looking through the large glass doors. Inside I see a very grand, modern library, with mostly white colors and high shelves that almost reach the tall, glass ceiling. Students are at desks typing away on computers or chatting with a friend, and far away I think I see a couple making out, but the library's too big and they're too far back for me to tell for sure. I can definitely see myself practically living in here for the next four years. "Well I'm going in."

"But I can't let you go in by yourself," he protests. "That defeats my whole purpose as your personal tour guide."

I look over my shoulder at him as I push open the heavy door. "Then come with me."

He sighs, debating. "You've already changed my opinion on a name and made me be nice. Now you're trying to get me to break my library record?"

I turn around to face him and take a few slow steps backwards. "You know you want to." 

He squints at me. "I had a dream similar to this last night. We were under different circumstances, of course. And obviously you weren't standing in the library."

I shudder. "I prefer not to hear about your sex dreams."

He pretends to be offended. "Hey, who said it was a sex dream?"

I cross my arms. "Was it?"

"Yep." He bites his lip. "Do I really have to go in there?"

The lip bite momentarily distracts me, but I refuse to be attracted to him. He has this aloof and charming personality that I suppose I admire, and it makes it easier to be comfortable around him, but I'm still not sure what I want my relationship with him to be. Certainly nothing more than friends, at most. "You don't have to. I'm perfectly fine with going in by myself."

"There are a lot of guys in there that pride themselves on taking advantage of eighteen year old short hispanic girls named Julie."

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