TikTok Challenge-The Band

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in which julie and the phantoms are tiktok famous

this is the kinda old (like as of last month lol) trend where u ask ur brother to put ur hair up in a ponytail and see how he does

pairings: juke, alex and reggie bromance (as always)

Julie starts recording before handing the scrunchie back to Alex. "Please don't mess this up."

"Come on." Alex starts to gather her hair in his hands. "How hard can it be?"

"According to, like, everyone else that's done the challenge, pretty hard." Julie winces when he pulls approximately one strand of hair too tightly. "There was a guy that—"

"Jesus," Alex interrupts. "How much hair do you have?"

Julie shrugs a shoulder. "It can't be that much."

"I can't even hold it in my hands," Alex says. "Now be quiet. I'm trying to focus."

Julie looks nervously at her phone, where she sees her own pained expression and Alex's very concentrated one behind her. 

It's only a few more moments before he stops, putting his hands on his hip triumphantly. "Tada!"

He picks up the phone to show off Julie's ponytail before the video ends. 

If you could even call it a ponytail. It's more like a rat's nest now. 

Two more brothers to go. 

The next day:

"Carlos, I know you got this one." Julie hands him a hair tie, starting the video.

"Lean down a little," Carlos instructs, getting straight to business. In less than a few seconds, she has an almost perfect ponytail and Carlos looks proudly at it. 

"Easy-peasy," he says. 

"H—" Alex stutters as Julie turns off the phone. "How'd you do that?"

"She's been making me do her hair since I could talk, noob." Carlos pats his sister good-naturedly on the shoulder. "Well, back to my Saturday morning cartoons."

Later that day:

"Okay, I'll be careful," Reggie promises. He starts gently taking Julie's hair into his hands, making sure nothing gets caught on her earrings and worrying that she's hurt every two seconds.

"Reg, we don't have all day," Julie says. "Trust me, after years of pulling and brushing and yanking, my head's invincible. Do what you must."

"I still don't want to hurt you." He carefully gathers it up. "Is this good?"

"Yeah, now you just need to put the hair tie around it."

"Ummm..." he manages to pull her hair through it once, then gets confused. "Wait...what?"

Julie laughs. "Keep going."

"I don't know what to do." He tries wrapping it around again and somehow just gets her hair tangled into it. "How'd that happen?" He lets out a frustrated groan.

"You and Alex have failed," Julie proclaims, stopping the video and starting to try to untangle her hair, although she's pretty sure this is a matter for scissors. "Carlos is the superior brother."

"Step out of my way, boys," 

Luke stands up from the couch where he'd been watching TV, apparently eavesdropping. He gets Julie's hair out of the band quickly enough (without scissors, leaving even Julie impressed) and runs his fingers through it a couple times before quickly braiding it.

"What did you just do?" Reggie asks, looking at the younger girl's hair.

"He braided it," Julie says simply. 


"It's a gift," Luke shrugs, kissing his girlfriend chastly on the lips before going back to watching TV, leaving Julie smirking as she walks upstairs and Reggie looking more confused than usual.

you guys should let me know if i should make this like a small series within this book? idk it seems like it would be fun tho

love you guys, have a fabulous day!!

all my love,


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