Just Friends Pt. 2

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annnnnnd we're back

"So what if she's, like, a really lonely old lady," Luke starts, letting the lunch lady plop some noodles on his tray, "and her beloved died tragically or something, and that's why she stole Rapunzel."

"But are we doing the Grimm Brother fairytale or the Disney version?" Julie grabs an apple because the lunch ladies give her dirty looks if she leaves without one, but as soon as the two start to walk away she places it on Luke's tray. "They're two completely different stories."

"We're probably required to do the Grimm Brother version," Luke pouts slightly, but then he shakes his head. "Who cares. That requires research and stuff, and no one will even notice if we do the Disney version." Luke puts a hand on Julie's back when she begins to steer off in the direction of their table, making her breath catch only slightly. "Library?"

She nods, collecting herself, and they start that way. "I'd rather do the Disney version too." She's usually the kind of kid to do extra work, but she's already had a lot on her plate lately and if she can make things even a little easier for herself she will.

"I'm a bad influence, aren't I?" Luke muses. 

Julie shrugs. "You could be worse."

She thinks back to a certain someone, who she prefers to leave in her past, but who comes back all the time anyways. Now that was a bad influence. This is Luke.

Julie notices with a smile that Luke's hand has snaked comfortably around her waist. "Luke."

He drops his arm, and she immediately wishes she hadn't said anything. "I was wondering when you'd notice."

"You're not that sneaky, you know." They turn a corner, and a pack of freshman girls a few feet away begin to giggle at Luke. Julie smiles affectionately. "I think someone has a crush on you."

"I think over half the freshman population has a crush on me," Luke admits. "Which is kind of weird, because unless I wanted to catch a case I would never hit on one of them."

"True, but you shouldn't crush their dreams." They near the girls. "C'mon, give them a smile."

"No," Luke refuses stubbornly. "I only smile at you."

"Stop that, you smile at plenty of girls. Luke, imagine yourself as a fourteen-year-old girl, and you're scared and in your first year of high school, and some hot senior boy that you've been crushing on actually smiles at you." Julie pats his arm.

"You think I'm hot?" Julie gives him an unimpressed look, and he huffs dramatically. "Fine." Then he gives a very reluctant, but still charming, smile to the group of girls. They all collectively gasp and scuttle off, giggling even louder than before.

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