Chapter 3

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Two People Team Up To Solve A Dangerous Problem

Another girl found on the 4th Street today. This was the fifth girl. The city is terrified. People have started to blame the police now.

What are they doing? Why can't they catch the criminal when it is their job?

"You have to act! You have to do something. This is getting out of hand! People's rage will be directed towards the police unless we find the criminal." The chief police shouted.

"We're trying our best sir. There is absolutely no lead." Detective Serena replied.

"Their is a serial killer out on the lose. No crime is perfect. You have to find something, anything. This is the last chance." Chief left saying this.

"I am going to check up on the crime scene, you coming?" Serena asked.

"Sure. Let's see what we can find. If there is anything to find." Jake said.

"The girl was badly beaten up. The body was almost beyond recognition. We have sent the body to forensics. But there is a hundred percent chance  she was molested and raped before." The officer at the crime scene informed.

"Anything else?" Serena asked.

"Absolutely nothing." The officer said. "The crime scene was clean. There was nothing, no DNA, no traces of a vehicle."

"How is that possible? Their must be something." Jake exclaimed.

"We checked it multiple times but it is the same as the last four crime scenes. Impeccably clean." The officer said.

"Ok, thank you officer. Please continue your job." Serena said. "What now?" She asked facing her partner.

"I have absolutely no idea. This bastard should pay for what he is doing." Serena said.

"Ofcourse, but how will we make him pay when we have no idea who is he?" Jake asked exasperated.

They returned back to the station not finding anything useful.

"Hey, I just found something!" Jake shouted.

"What did you find? Please tell me it's a lead." Serena prayed.

"I am not sure if it is the lead or not but look, all the five victims were a part of this social media group. I am not sure if it is related to the crime but it's worth a try. We don't have any other lead." Jake explained.

"You are right. So we would need a girl to join the group." Serena said.

"I guess you forgot about it but you are a girl. You just need to maybe change up your clothes. A new hairstyle maybe. A little bit of makeup. My sister can help you." Jake said.

"I look absolutely horrible!" Serena whined.

"Oh no, you don't." Jake said laughing.

"Just shut up and take the pictures."

"Now just have to post them here and tag the group."

Serena trudged through the door and set her coffee down on the desk.

"Any information?" She asked.

"No yet, but let's wait a bit more." Jake said.

"Look he messaged me privately." Serena said showing her phone.

"What does it say?" Jake asked.

"It says that I am pretty."

"Ok, thanks. Reply thanks." Jake said.

"He is asking, do I have a boyfriend?" Serena said.

"Say no." Jake said.

She talked with him all day and finally recieved the message she was waiting for.

"He wants to meet up tomorrow at 7 p.m." Serena said triumphantly.

The next day Jake was busy laughing at Serena.

"Do I have to dress like this?" Serena asked.

"Ofcourse. If you would go there looking like a police officer he would run away." Jake explained.

"I will hide here you go and meet him." Jake said crouching down in an alleyway.

"Hi Serena right?" A man asked approaching her.


"Let's talk there in the alley. There is a lot of noise here." He said guiding her towards the alley.

"Sure, How are you?" Serena asked sweetly.

"You are alone here right?" He asked looking around.

She grabbed his arm, twisted it and kicked him right where the sun doesn't shine.

"Bitch!" He shouted.

"Yes I am bitch, you bastard." She said.

"Don't try running away. You are under arrest." She took out her gun and Jake stood on the other end of the alley.

"Mission accomplished! Just need to get the confession." Jake exclaimed.

"Don't remind me. I can't wait to get out of this dress."

"But you look really pretty." Jake said winking.

"Whatever." Serena said blushing slightly.

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