Author's Note

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Hello, everyone. First of all Yay! I have completed the writing challenge. I am really happy. Though at times I felt like quitting.  No one is reading it anyway That's what I thought.

But I encouraged myself that some day someone will read it. I am really glad that I didn't quit. I had a lot of fun thinking a new story, new characters and new plot everyday.

At times my mind was blank, I couldn't think of anything. I had no idea. Nothing. But I forced myself to think about it. As you may have noticed, I posted all the chapters at night, that was because I pushed it to the very end. So that I had so little time that I couldn't push it any further.

Some stories were unique. Some were the same. But it was fun. I still don't know if I will find another such challenge and continue this book. But if you liked my stories, do tell me.

Every comment and vote I get it makes my day. Even if it's anything simple. Even if it's just a smiling emoji, I think about it all day.

A big shout out to MadihaPatel3  my best friend who without missing a day votes and comments on every chapter I post. She is my #1 supporter and I love her.

Also thank you to elystor  for the comment on the chapter ''I will not return to ashes." It meant a lot to me. And an advanced thank you to everyone who will vote and comment in the future. I am being positive here.

This is my love to each and everyone of my readers

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This is my love to each and everyone of my readers. Whether you are a silent reader or those who vote and comment.

Also if you enjoyed my writing consider giving my other books a chance too. "The Girl In The Rain' and 'Another Love Story' are completed and waiting for your reads.

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