Chapter 13

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A Beautiful, Unclassified Plant Begins Popping Up All Around Town

"Hey, look what I found in the lawn." I said to Leo.

"I saw the same plant in my lawn too." He said.

"Did our parents bought the same plant?" I asked.

"I don't think so. It wasn't there last night and I highly doubt that my parents bought it in the middle of the night." He said.

"Really? Then is it some sort of a wild plant?" I asked.

"I don't know." He said shaking his head.

"Well then. Let's go to the park they must be waiting for us." I said.

We have plans to meet up with our friends in the park today. We reached the park in ten minutes. After meeting up, we decided to play frisbee. While playing, Jack threw the frisbee too far.

"I'll get it." I said. I ran to where the frisbee landed.

"Leo! Leo come here!" I shouted. Leo and Jack came running together.

"Hey, it's the same plant." Leo said.

"The same plant? Did you saw this plant somewhere else too? Jack asked.

"Why? How do you know this plant?" I asked.

"I saw it in my lawn." Jack said.

"Okay. This is seriously creepy. Let's follow these plants." I said excitedly.

"You just said that's this is creepy." Jack said.

"Yes, that's why we need to follow them." I said. We followed those plants. It took us to the far end of the park where the lake is.

"Wow. Is someone going to come out of the lake now?" I said jokingly. Just as I said that the water started to move. A figure emerged from the water.

"Hello, children. Are you here to welcome me?" The figure said.

"Who are you?" Leo asked.

"Can't you guess from the context? The horns, the wings. I am the devil, kid." He said.

"Were those plants from you?" I asked.

"They were grown to announce my arrival." He said.

"But those were such beautiful plants!" Jack exclaimed.

"So? Should I have sent, I don't know cactuses?" He asked.

"Well, since you three here welcomed me to the human world I will exclude you from my wrath." He said. "Now if you will excuse me. I have a lot of work to do."

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