Chapter 17

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"The Problem With Fate Is..."

The problem with fate is that we don't know what our fate is. We meet someone and think 'Yes he is my fate, I will spend my life with him.' But then everything changes.

The same happened to me. It happened last year. I met a guy. He was just perfect or so I thought. We started dating. It went good for a couple of months until he found out about my father.

My father is a wealthy business man. So when my boyfriend asked me for some help with his business I introduced him to my father. What I didn't knew was that he was a scammer.

He asked my father to invest money in his business and since I loved him my father agreed. But after a couple of months when there was no profit, my father inquired him about it. So he got angry and took it out on me. I was confused.

A couple of days later he stopped contacting me. I was worried. I told my father about it. Turns out, he took my father's money and ran away.

From that day, I decided not to tell any of my future boyfriends about my father's business. That would be better. That's the problem with fate.

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