Chapter 6

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"There Should Have Been A Warning Sign At The Very Least."

I came to study about the wild plants but somehow lost my way. The forest basically looks the same everywhere. How am I supposed to find my way here? I decided a direction and went that way.

The forest seems to be getting darker somehow. "Woah!" I exclaimed as a castle came into my view.

What is a castle doing in the middle of the forest? I did what any curious person would do. I went inside. I know that in films there are usually ghosts in such castles but- whatever let's just go inside.

"Hello?" I asked. My voice echoed throughout. Seems like no one is here. Suddenly I heard a rustle. I froze hearing that.

"How dare you enter?" A deep voice boomed.

"You should first ask my name. How rude!" I said.

"What?" The voice replied.

"Fine, fine. I will introduce myself. I am Emily Williams. And you are?" I said.

"It's none of your business. Why are you here?" He asked.

"I saw this castle in the middle of the forest and just like any other curious person decided to enter. There should have been a warning sign at the very least. Like 'beware a very rude person lives inside. Enter at your own risk.' something like that." I said.

Instead of replying he came out of the shadow.

"Oh wow, he is like a Greek god!" I thought. He chuckled. "Did I say that out loud?" I asked.

"Well I guess there is nothing else to do but accept it. You are really handsome. You look like a Greek god." I said.

"I am going to kill you." He replied.

"What? I just complimented you. You are really rude. When someone compliments you, you should say thank you." I said annoyed.

"Just because you are good looking and I am almost getting lost in your eyes does not mean that you get to be mannerless." I said.

"You are weird. This is not a joke. I will kill you." He said.

"Oh I am so scared. And how are you going to kill me exactly? I don't see any weapon with you." I asked.

"Oh I don't need any weapon." He replied confidently.

"Why? Are you a vampire?" I asked jokingly.

"Yes, how do you know that?" He asked looking genuinely confused.

"What? Really? You are a vampire?" I asked suprised.

"Yes." He opened his mouth and flashed me his fangs. They looked real.

"Wow, that's amazing. I have always had a thing for vampires. I have always dreamt about falling in love with a vampire." I replied.

"What?" He asked.

"Oh I guess you haven't heard. I mean I am assuming that you don't have an internet connection here. Humans write stories about falling in love with vampires all the time. It's really famous." I said.

"Humans are not afraid of us?" He asked. He looked so worried it was funny.

"No. They dream about falling in love with you." I replied teasingly.

"I am not going to fall in love with you." He said firmly.

"That's what they all say." I replied winking at him.

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