Chapter 14

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An Eventful Monday

I was just getting ready for my flight when my phone rang.

"Sorry to call you but you need to do one more task before you head out for your vacation." My boss said.

"Fine. Send me the details." I said. I'm an exorcist. Today was supposed to be the first day of my 2 week long vacation but now I first have to complete this task then I can go to the Maldives as planned.

I checked the file they sent me. I copied the address and left. I knocked on the door. "Hello I am Jess. The exorcist." I said.

"Come inside." The lady who answered the door said. "We believe that there is a ghost in our attic. Please check it. We are very scared." She said.

"That's why I am here." I said. I went in the attic and closed the door behind me. I surveyed it and I noticed the ghost sitting in one corner. But it was too silent so I went towards it and suddenly it leaped towards me.

"You can't get rid of me. I will get rid of you first." It shouted.

"Oh come on man. I am not in the mood for a fight." I said. I punched the ghost hard, it fell down. 

"Let's just do it. I really don't want to miss my flight." I said. After a couple minutes of fighting I got the ghost. I captured it and put it inside the bag I brought.

"I captured it. There is no need to be scared anymore. You can go and check if you want to but I am sure there is nothing else in there." I said.

"Thank you so much. We really appreciate it." They said.

"It's no problem. It's my job."  I called the company and told about the job. They said to drop of the ghost on the way  to the airport.

What an eventful Monday it was. Finally I can go to the Maldives and relax without any ghosts lurking around me. Let's just hope there are no ghosts there.

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