Chapter 24

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7 Strangers Fall Into A Coma At The Same Time

First Person's P.O.V

I was going to work when it happened. I looked away from the road for just a second and got into an accident. When I woke up, I didn't knew where I was. It somehow looked different. I looked around and it was almost ethereal as if unreal. Maybe I am dreaming.

Second Person's P.O.V

I was going to get my mail from downstairs when I slipped and fell down the stairs. I was somewhat concious during the ride to the hospital. But then I slipped into unconsciousness. (Unintentional pun)

Then here I was.

Third Person's P.O.V

I was crossing the road when a car crashed into me. That's all I remember.


I don't have anything else to share.

Fourth Person's P.O.V

I saw a kid run towards the road to grab his ball. Just then a bus came at full speed towards him so I ran to get him out of there but couldn't get out at time.

Fifth Person's P.O.V

I was walking at the sidewalk when an illegal building was bombed at a part of it fell on me. I don't think it was that big but maybe I am dead?

Sixth Person's P.O.V

I was riding my bicycle when a bike came and crashed into me.

*Looks at the seventh person.*

Seventh Person's P.O.V

Yes, yes. It was my bike. It was an accident though. I am here too, aren't I ?

Anonymous Person's P.O.V

Now that everyone has shared what happened let me explain. You all are in a coma. This is the middle ground between life and death and I am your instructer.

Those of you who will die will pass on to the other life. And those left will wake up will go back in their life. You might stay here for a couple of hours, days, weeks or years. You never know. So I suggest you get settled here. There is no need to fret. You will have a lovely time here.

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